Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuaries Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A conceptual model for the movement of pesticides through the environment : a contribution of the EPA Alternative Chemicals Program / 1974
A short-term conservative transport model for shallow estuaries / 1971
Computer program documentation for the dynamic estuary model : an intermediate technical report / 1974
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : interim report on estuarine modeling / 1973
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 2nd international conference / 1992
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 4th international conference : October 26-28, 1995, San Diego, California / 1996
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the 5th international conference, October 22-24, 1997, Alexandria, Virginia / 1998
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the conference / 1990
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the seventh international conference, November 5-7, 2001, St. Petersburg, Florida / 2002
Estuarine and coastal modeling : proceedings of the tenth international conference, November 5-7, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island / 2008
Estuarine and coastal modeling III : proceedings of the 3rd international conference / 1994
Estuarine modeling : an assessment : capabilities and limitations for resource management and pollution control / 1971
Estuarine modeling: an assessment : capabilities and limitations for resource management and pollution control / 1971
Estuarine surveys, biomonitoring and bioassays 1976
Guidelines for evaluating estuary studies, models and comprehensive planning alternatives a special analytic study / 1969
Mathematical and hydraulic modelling of estuarine pollution. Proceedings of a symposium held at the Water Pollution Research Laboratory on 18th and 19th April 1972. 1973
Mathematical modelling of estuarine physics : proceedings of an international symposium held at the German Hydrographic Institute, Hamburg, August 24-26, 1978 / 1980
Numerical model for the prediction of transient water quality in estuary networks / 1972
One-dimensional dynamic and kinematic numerical model suitable for canals and estuaries. 1975
Process Control Model for Oxygen Regeneration of Polluted Rivers, Phases IV and V, and Spatially and Temporally Distributed Discharge of Effluents in Estuaries. 1974
Salt intrusion, tides and mixing in multi-channel estuaries / 2008
Steady state two-layered non-coupled dynamic and kinematic estuarine model with application to the Potomac estuary 1975
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations Estuaries. 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations Estuaries. 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Book III, Estuaries / 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 3 : use of mixing zone models in estuarine waste load allocations / Book III, Estuaries : 1990
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 3 : use of mixing zone models in estuarine waste load allocations / Book III, Estuaries : 1992
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 4 : critical review of estuarine waste load allocation (WLA) modeling / Book III, Estuaries : 1990
The dynamics of coastal models / 2008
User's manual for the dynamic (Potomac) estuary model / 1979
User's manual for the M.I.T. transient water quality network model, including nitrogen-cycle dynamics for rivers and estuaries / 1977
Validation and sensitivity analyses of stream and estuary models applied to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii : an intermediate technical report / 1974
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume III: Verification of Three-Dimensional Rigid-Lid Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume IV: User's Manual for Three-Dimensional Rigid-Lid Model. 1982

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