Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Estuaries California)

Select Item Title Year Published
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
Case study San Francisco Estuary / 1991
Condition of Estuaries of California for 1999: A Statistical Summary. 2005
Development Nutrient Numeric Endpoints and TMDL Tools for California Estuaries: An Implementation Plan. 2007
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Ecology, conservation, and restoration of tidal marshes : the San Francisco estuary / 2012
Proceedings of Public Meeting on Water Quality Management for Estuaries, Held in San Francisco, California, on February 18-19, 1969. Volume 1. 1969
Proceedings of Public Meeting on Water Quality Management for Estuaries, Held in San Francisco, California, on February 18-19, 1969. Volume 2. 1969
Protecting America's estuaries: the San Francisco Bay and delta; thirty-first report 1970
Report on a pilot study of San Francisco Bay-prototype for a national estuarine register. 1975
San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta water quality and waste disposal investigation : San Francisco Bay-Delta Model ; technical memorandum no. 3, results of model tests for Peripheral Canal - Phase I, 2nd rough draft / 1975
San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta water quality and waste disposal investigation : San Francisco Bay-Delta Model ; technical memorandum no. 3, results of model tests for Peripheral Canal - Phase I. / 1974
San Francisco Bay, the urbanized estuary : investigations into the natural history of San Francisco Bay and Delta with reference to the influence of man 1979
Segmentation of the San Francisco Bay-Delta 1987
Status of the Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program 1993
Striped bass egg and larva monitoring, and effects of flow regulation on the larval striped bass food chain, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary : final report to the State Water Resources Control Board / 1988
The Nation's estuaries: San Francisco Bay and Delta, Calif. : Hearing[s] before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress, first session. 1969
Tracer studies and pollutional analyses of estuaries / 1961
Unabridged Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Water Quality Challenges in the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. 2011

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