Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1976 urban and rural travel survey 1976
1995 protocol for equipment leak emission estimates / 1995
Acute-to-chronic estimation (ACE v 2.0) with time-concentration-effect models : user manual and software / 2003
ADL Migration Estimation Model (for Microcomputers) (Release Number 1). 1990
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; 2003 Drinking Water Infrastucture Needs Survey 2002
Air CHIEF, Version 4.0 (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 1995
Ambient ground water quality monitoring cost analysis / 1997
Ames Test Curve Fitting Program. A User's Guide. 1980
An Evaluation of a solar radiation/delta-T Method for estimating Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) stability categories. 1993
An SAB advisory : the Clean Air Act section 812 prospective study - health and ecological initial studies. / 1999
An SAB report : review of MMSOILS component of the proposed RIA for the RCRA corrective action rule : review of the OSWER & ORD draft documentation and user's manual and RIA of the MMSOILS multimedia contaminant, fate, transport, and exposure model / 1993
Analysis of metropolitan highway capacity and the growth in vehicle miles of travel 2000
Annual book of ASTM standards 2003. Section 3, Metals test methods and analytical procedures. 2003
Applied survey methods a statistical perspective / [electronic resource] : 2009
Assessment of compliance costs resulting from implementation of the final Great Lakes water quality guidance. 1995
Asymptotic theory of statistical tests and estimation : in honor of Wassily Hoeffding 1980
Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions. Final Rule. Volume 6. Appendix E. Category 2 Facilities for the F037 and F038 Capacity Analysis. 1992
Bayesian Approach to Autocorrelation Estimation in Hydrologic Autoregressive Models. 1973
Bayesian Decision Framework for Synthetic Hydrology. 1973
Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air act from 1990 to 2020. 2011
Bootstrap methods and their application / 1997
Calculating upper confidence limits for exposure point concentrations at hazardous waste sites / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. 2003
Calibration and adjustment of system planning models /Draft 1989
Clustering Criteria and Multivariate Normal Mixtures. 1981
Comparison of Variance Estimators of the Horvitz-Thompson Estimator for Randomized Variable Probability Systematic Sampling. 1994
Costs of urban stormwater control [electronic resource] / 2002
Density estimation for statistics and data analysis / 1986
Density estimation for statistics and data analysis / 1998
Detection and Predictability of Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Trends of Riverine Nutrient Loads in the Midwest. 2016
Developing nonpoint source load allocations for TMDLs / 1992
Development and Validation of a Method for Measuring Exempt Volatile Organic Compounds and Carbon Dioxide in Consumer Products. 1997
Development of a data evaluation/decision support system for remediation of subsurface contamination / 2001
Development of Biogenic Emissions of OTAG Modeling. 1998
Development of Water Quality Models Using Spectral Analysis and Parameter Estimation Techniques. 1974
DISFIT : a distribution fitting system / 1981
DISFIT: A Program for Fitting Distributions in Data. 1981
Drinking Water and Health: Volume 4. 1982
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : American Indian and Alaska native water systems. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : first report to Congress. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : Modeling the cost of infrastructure. 1997
Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assesment, 2003: Modeling the Cost of Infrastructure. 2006
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Driving pattern variability and impacts on vehicle carbon monoxide emissions / 1995
Economic criteria for relocation / 1989
Economic welfare impacts of urban noise / 1976
Efficiency of Least Squares Estimators in the Presence of Spatial Autocorrelation. 1993
EMAP statistical methods manual / 1996
EPA's Data Attribute Rating System. 1997
Escalation indexes for air pollution control costs / 1995
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