Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 743
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Erosion)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970-1971 soil movement at the Pawnee intensive site / 1972
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
1989 annual progress report : baywide nutrient reduction strategy / 1989
208 planning in Illinois for federal funding years 1977 through 1981 1982
A description and critique of soil and water conservation programs in Washington County, Wisconsin / 1982
A reconnaissance of streamflow and fluvial sediment transport, Incline village area, Lake Tahoe, Nevada; second progress report, 1971. 1973
A Runoff and soil-loss monitoring technique using paired plots / 1985
A study of the efficiency of the use of pesticides in agriculture : final report / 1975
Abatement of deposition and scour in sewers / 1977
Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985. 1987
Acker Lake Landslide, Monroe County, Mississippi. 1973
Adapting Watershed Tools to Protect Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 3. 2005
Advanced remote sensing technology for tsunami modelling and forecasting / 2018
Against the tide : the battle for America's beaches / 1999
Agricultural Land Use Water Interaction: Problem Abatement, Project Monitoring, and Monitoring Strategies. 1980
Agricultural runoff and reservoir drawdown effects on a 2760-hectare reservoir / 1982
Agricultural runoff, a bibliography. 1972
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Agriculture and clean water : proceedings of a conference held at Kansas City, Missouri on 3 April 1975 / 1975
Agriculture and the Water Quality Management Plan. A Midcourse Review of the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Component. 1986
Alaska North Slope Oil-Field Restoration Research Strategy. 1992
Algal-availability of Particulate Phosphorus from Diffuse and Point Sources in the Lower Great Lakes Basin. 1982
Alternative policies for controlling nonpoint agricultural sources of water pollution / 1978
America's Sea at Risk: First Progress Report on the Gulf of Mexico Program. 1990
An approach to water resources evaluation of non-point silvicultural sources : (a procedural handbook) / 1980
An executive summary of three EPA demonstration programs in erosion and sediment control / 1974
An investigation of corrosion in particulate control equipment / 1981
An overview of climate information needs for ecological effects models. / 1990
Analysis and modeling of erosion hazards and sediment delivery on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands / 1994
Analysis of best management practices for small construction sites / 1998
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
ANSWERS, areal nonpoint source watershed environment response simulation : user's manual / 1981
Anticipatory planning for sea-level rise along the coast of Maine / 1995
Appalachian mineral resource development : environmental factors / 1977
Appendices : evaluation of erosion hazards / 2000
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Application of geomorphic principles to environmental management in semiarid regions / 1980
Application of the ANSWERS model in a nonpoint source program final report / 1986
Application of water quality models to a small forested watershed : I, the nondesignated 208 area screening model / 1982
Approaches to Stormwater Management. 1973
Arapahoe Basin, Master Development Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
Arctic stream processes : an annotated bibliography / 1979
Areawide Assessment Procedures Manual. Volume I. 1976
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix B-1. Non-Point Sources of Water Pollution in the 208 Area. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix B-2. Pollution Sources: Agriculture. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix B-5. The Restoration and Maintenance of High Quality Water. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix D. Areawide Management Strategy for Water Quality. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Erosion Control Priorities and Progress Reporting: Jackson County. 1980
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Oilfield Brine: A Survey of Land Damage in Hamilton County. 1980
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Orchard Land Conversion and Water Quality. 1980
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