Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4430
Showing: Items 551 - 600
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Select Item Title Year Published
BACT/LAER clearinghouse : a compilation of control technology determinations / 1990
BACT/LAER clearinghouse : a compilation of control technology determinations / 1990
BACT/LAER clearinghouse : a compilation of control technology determinations / 1990
Baghouse efficiency on a multiple hearth incinerator burning sewage sludge / 1989
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system / 1979
Bahco flue gas desulfurization and particulate removal system : capsule report. 1979
Baseline Characterization and Emissions Control Technology Assessment of HD Gasoline Engines. 1972
Baseline Characterization and Emissions Control Technology Assessment of HD Gasoline Engines. 1972
Baseline emissions forecasts for industrial non-boiler sources / 1989
Baseline Emissions Forecasts for Industrial Non-Boiler Sources. 1988
Baseline Measurement Test Results for the Cat-Ox Demonstration Program. 1973
Basic Study of Air Pollution Control Wet Scrubbers. 1966
Basis and purpose document on specifications for hydrogen-fueled flares / 1998
Be a grower, not a mower™. 1996
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals 1981
Behavioral assays for effects of drilling muds on marine animals / 1981
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Non-U.S. Coals for NOx Formation Under Excess Air and Staged Combustion Conditions. 1983
Benefits of microprocessor control of curing ovens for solvent-based coatings. 1984
Benzene equipment leak inspection manual / 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for P and U thallium wastes : final. 1990
Best demonstrated control technology for graphic arts / 1991
Beta gauge instrumentation for the measurement of aerosol mass / 1980
Beta gauge operation manual / 1979
Bibliography. Volume III. Fabric Filter Systems Study. 1970
Biodegradation and treatability of specific pollutants / 1979
Biodegradation studies of carboxymethyl tartronate / 1978
Biological treatment of combined sewer overflow at Kenosha, Wisconsin. / 1975
Biomass-Fueled, Small-Scale, Integrated-Gasifier, Gas-Turbine Power Plant: Progress Report on the Phase 2 Development. 2000
Boiler design criteria for dry sorbent SO2 control with low-NOx burners / 1986
Boiler Design Criteria for Dry Sorbent SO2 Control with Low-NOx Burners. 1986
Boiler stack emission monitoring, Honokaa Sugar Company, Haina, Hawaii. 1975
Boiler stack emission monitoring, Kekaha Sugar Company, Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii / 1975
Boom configuration tests for calm-water, medium-current oil spill diversion / 1978
Bosch technical instruction booklets : top 20 titles : automotive electrics and electronics, gasoline and diesel fuel-injection, brake systems = Bosch technische Unterrrichtung : top 20 Titel : Kraftfahrzeug-Elektrik und -Elektronik, Benzin- und Diesel-Einspritzung, Bremssysteme / 2000
Bo[l]etín tcnico seleccionando un sistema de adsorción para COV, carbón, zeolita, o polímeros?. 1999
Braintree, Massachusetts, Municipal Incinerator. 1973
Brake Emissions: Emission Measurements from Brake and Clutch Linings from Selected Mobile Sources. 1973
Branch Chamber System and Techniques for Simultaneous Pollutant Exposure Experiments and Gaseous Flux Determinations. 1990
Braxton sonic agglomerator evaluation / 1974
Bremsstrahlung Production. 1970
Bridger Hydrometeorological Data Acquisition System. 1967
Bridger Hydrometeorological Research Area and Facilities. 1967
Bridger Telemetry Communications System. 1967
Brief Review of Planned R and D (Research and Development) in the LIMB (Limestone Injection Multistage Burner) Development Program. 1984
Bring your green to work with Energy Star : live green at home with Energy Star. 2008
Bring your green to work with Energy Star. 2008
Bubble Collapse Adjacent to a Rigid Wall, a Flexible Wall, and a Second Bubble. 1971
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Building construction cost data 2016 / 2015
Building construction cost data. 1943
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