Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Epidemics)

Select Item Title Year Published
228 water-borne disease outbreaks known to have occured in the 15 year period - 1946-1960 (Listed by State) / 1960
Air pollution in Donora, Pa., epidemiology of the unusual smog episode of Oct. 1948; 1949
Anthrax : what every clinician should know / 2001
Biological and chemical terrorism : a guide for healthcare providers and first responders / 2003
Conquest of epidemic disease, a chapter in the history of ideas 1980
Epidemiology and plant disease management 1979
Genetic basis of epidemics in agriculture 1977
Global climate change and extreme weather events : understanding the contributions to infectious disease emergence : workshop summary / 2008
Klebsiella pneumoniae infection : a review with reference to the water-borne epidemiologic significance of K. pneumoniae presence in the natural environment. 1972
Mathematical theory of epidemics. 1957
Methods for the investigation and prevention of waterborne disease outbreaks / 1990
Microbial risk assessment guideline : pathogenic microorganisms with focus on food and water / 2012
Microbial threats to health : the threat of pandemic influenza / 2005
Pandemic flu : what you can do / 2007
Six modern plagues : and how we are causing them / 2004
Spillover : Zika, Ebola & beyond / 2016
The role of the industrial hygienist in a pandemic. 2006

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