Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 59
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmentally induced diseases in children)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1st National Research Conference on Children's Environmental Health : research practice prevention policy : conference report / 1997
2004 children's environmental health excellence awards : awarding exceptional efforts to protect our children / 2004
A framework for assessing health risk of environmental exposures to children / 2006
Action and resource guide for healthy schools : making Illinois schools environmentally healthy places to learn and work / 2005
Air pollution and health effects in children residing in Akron, Ohio / 1981
Air pollution and health effects in children residing in Akron, Ohio {microform} / 1981
America's children and the environment : measures of contaminants, body burdens, and illnesses. 2003
America's children and the environment. 2013
Are children more vulnerable to environmental chemicals? : scientific and regulatory issues in perspective / 2003
At highest risk : environmental hazards to young and unborn children 1980
Child health and the environment 2003
Child health champion resource guide. 1999
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2008
Child-specific exposure factors handbook [and] Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Children's environmental health : 2007 highlights : environment, health, and a focus on children / 2007
Children's environmental health : a call for global protection. 2002
Children's environmental health : a summary of EPA activities. 2005
Children's Environmental Health : Research Roadmap. 2015
Children's environmental health : spotlight on the U.S.-Mexico border : seventh report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States. 2004
Chronic respiratory diseases in children in relation to air pollution : report on a WHO study / 1980
Decade of children's environmental health research highlights from EPA's Science to Achieve Results program / {electronic resource} : 2007
Environmental awareness : getting kids involved / 2000
Environmental factors in human growth and development 1982
Environmental health : report of the twenty-seventh Ross Roundtable on Critical Approaches to Common Pediatric Problems in collaboration with the Ambulatory Pediatric Association ; {editor, Dorothy E. Redfern}. 1996
Environmental health threats to children / 1996
Environmental health threats to children. 1996
EPA celebrates Children's Health Month. 2004
EPA children's environmental health yearbook supplement. 1998
Evaluation report on relationships between infant blood lead concentrations and lead in water or liquid diet for Task 3-10 : support health risk assessment for development of regulation of lead in drinking water / 1988
External peer review meeting for "Draft framework for assessing health risks of environmental exposures to children" : June 6-7, 2006 / 2000
Framework for assessing health risks of environmental exposures to children : external review draft, March 2006 / 2000
Geometric standard deviation of blood lead for children in the vicinity of point sources for Task 3-8 : support health risk assessment for a lead regulatory review / 1988
Guidance on selecting age groups for monitoring and assessing childhood exposures to environmental contaminants / 2005
Handbook of pediatric environmental health / 1999
Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Indoor air quality and student performance. 2003
Let's Keep Kids In the Game : What Coaches Can Look for and Do to Protect Youth Athletes. 2015
Morton Grove lead study : an investigation of the contribution of airborne lead from automobile exhaust to blood lead levels in suburban children / 1977
October 2010 is Children's Health Month : Healthy Communities for Healthy Children. 2010
October is children's health month : how may tips can you follow in 31 days? 2011
Pediatric environmental health / 2003
Pediatric environmental health / 2012
Prediction of blood lead levels in East Helena children : comparison of aggregate air lead, disaggregate and uptake/biokenetic models for Task 3-8 : support health risk assessment for a lead regulatory review : draft report / 1988
Proceedings : Workshop on Actions to Take for Children's Health. 2000
Protect children, protect our future. 2004
Protect children, protect our future. 2003
Questioning the emphasis on environmental contaminants as a significant threat to children's health 1998
Raising Elijah : protecting our children in an age of environmental crisis / 2011
Salud Ambiental Infantil 2005 : Resumen de las Actividades de EPA / 2005
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