Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmentalism United States History)

Select Item Title Year Published
A climate of crisis : America in the age of environmentalism / 2014
A fierce green fire : the American environmental movement / 2003
African American environmental thought : foundations / 2007
Agency, democracy, and nature : the U.S. environmental movement from a critical theory perspective / 2000
American environmentalism : philosophy, history, and public policy / 2014
Banning DDT : how citizen activists in Wisconsin led the way / 2014
Chronicling the West : thirty years of environmental writing / 1996
Don't breathe the air : air pollution and U.S. environmental politics, 1945-1970 / 2000
Environmental debate : a documentary history / 1999
Explorations in environmental history : essays / 1998
First along the river : a brief history of the U.S. environmental movement / 2007
First along the river : a brief history of the U.S. environmental movement / 1997
Green backlash : the history and politics of the environmental opposition in the U.S. / 1997
Losing ground : American environmentalism at the close of the twentieth century / 1996
Losing ground : American environmentalism at the close of the twentieth century / 1995
On a farther shore : the life and legacy of Rachel Carson / 2012
Race, class, gender, and American environmentalism / 2002
The Republican reversal : conservatives and the environment from Nixon to Trump / 2018
The rise of the U.S. environmental health movement / 2013

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