Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2167
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental protection United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Environmental Indicators Initiative" and "Draft Report on the Environment." 2003
"The Next four years : an agenda for environmental results" / 1985
10 things kids can do to help the environment / 2007
101 ways to care for the earth : an educational activities book / 2002
1100 -- Organization and functions manual. 1990
1100 -- Organization and functions manual. 1985
1984 Environmental management report updates : problem summary. 1984
1998 environmental justice biennial report : moving towards collaborative and constructive problem-solving / 2000
1998 regional geographic initiative : air, water, waste, toxics : integrated solutions to local environmental problems. 1999
1998 regional geographic initiative : air, water, waste, toxics : integrated solutions to local environmental problems. 1999
1999 report card : environmental readiness for the 21st century : the eighth annual national report card on environmental attitudes, knowledge, and behavior / 1999
20 years of shaping environmental policy at EPA. 2009
2000-01 state environmental innovations. 2001
2003-2008 EPA strategic plan : direction for the future / 2003
2003-2008 EPA strategic plan : direction for the future. 2003
2005 directory of members. 2007
2006 Architecture Standard and Guidance. 2006
208 public participation cook book / 1975
30 years of environmental progress. 2000
30 years of environmental progress. 2000
35 year environmental timeline. 2005
37 year environmental timeline. 2005
40 years : EPA 40th anniversary : 10 ways EPA has strengthened America / 2010
A Closer look at resources available to librarians through / 2004
A fierce green fire : the American environmental movement / 2003
A Guide to selected national environmental statistics in the U.S. government / 1993
A Guide to selected national environmental statistics in the U.S. government. 1992
A Guide to selected national environmental statistics in the U.S. government. 1992
A guide to the services and collections of EPA-New England Region 1 Library / 1998
A guidebook to comparing risks and setting environmental priorities. 1993
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
A New Era of State, Local, Tribal, and International Partnerships : FY 2014 Action Plan. 2014
A Preliminary analysis of the public costs of environmental protection : 1981-2000. 1990
A resource directory of small business environmental assistance providers : federal, state, private / 2002
A statement of policy concerning the assessment of the environmental impact of proposed major federal actions, the abatement and control of pollution at federal facilities, and pollution abatement through federal contracts, grants and loans. 1974
A survey of pulp and paper industry environmental protection expenditures, 1997 / 1998
A Unified Approach to Improving EPA's Web Site. 2009
Ability to pay for attorneys : what attorney's need to know in order to deal effectively with inability to pay claims from environmental violators. 2002
Access EPA / 1991
Access EPA / 1993
Access EPA / 1995
Access EPA / 1992
ACCESS EPA : discover the new environmental directory. 1990
Access EPA : major EPA environmental databases. 1991
Access EPA : state environmental libraries. 1991
Access express. 1993
Accomplishments report 1982. 1983
Action plan for the environment in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1991
Additional Measures Can Be Taken to Prevent Deaths and Serious Injuries From Residential Fumigations / 2016
Administrative Control of Appropriated Funds : Release 2.0. 2004
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