Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental protection Standards)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guidebook for explaining environmental regulations to small businesses / 1993
Beyond environmental law : policy proposals for a better environmental future / 2010
Consolidated federal air rule for the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 2000
Drivers, designs, and consequences of environmental management systems : research findings to date from the National Database on Environmental Management Systems : a research compendium / 2001
Economic Impacts of Pulp and Paper Industry Compliance with Environmental Regulations. Volume II. Price and Demand Effects on the Industry's Major Product Sectors. 1977
Economic Law Enforcement. Volume I. Overview. 1975
Environmental management systems : requirements with guidance for use = Systemes de management environnemental : exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation. 2015
Environmental management systems primer for federal facilities / 0
EPA's case for new ozone and particulate standards : would Americans get their money's worth? / 1997
Final report : the US EPA environmental management system pilot program for local government entities. 2000
Guidelines for environmental auditing : general principles. 1996
Implementing ISO 14000 : a practical, comprehensive guide to the ISO 14000 environmental management standards / 1997
Inside ISO 14000 : the competitive advantage of environmental management / 1996
ISO 14000 : a guide to the new environmental management standards / 1996
ISO 14000 : environmental management. 2007
ISO 14000 : international environmental management standards. 1998
ISO 14000 : the business manager's complete guide to environmental management / 1997
ISO 14000 resource directory. 1997
ISO 14001 : a missed opportunity for sustainable global industrial development / 1998
ISO 14001 certification : environmental management systems : a practical guide for preparing effective environmental management systems / 1995
ISO 14001 EMS implementation handbook 1998
Lessons learned in global environmental governance 1990
Leveraging the private sector : management-based strategies for improving environmental performance / 2006
Long-term environmental radiation surveillance plan for Three Mile Island. 1980
Measuring environmental progress for U.S. EPA and the states of region 4 : environmental indicator system. 1996
New Jersey environmental performance partnership agreement, 1999-2000 / 1999
New Jersey environmental performance partnership agreement, fiscal years 2002-2004 / 2001
Quality management plan for Federal Facilities Enforcement Office. 1996
Quality management plan for the Office of Federal Activities' NEPA programs / 1999
Radiation exposures from solidification processes for high-level radio-active liquid wastes / 1980
Radiation exposures from solidification processes for high-level radio-active liquid wastes / 1980
State/EPA agreement : concept paper on regulations / 1978
Technical guideline : alternative methods for visual determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary sources / 1983
The ISO 14000 handbook / 1996
What is ISO 14000? questions and answers / 1995

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