Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental protection Decision making)

Select Item Title Year Published
Decision making for a sustainable environment : a systemic approach / 2012
Decision making in the Environmental Protection Agency / 1977
Decision making in the Environmental Protection Agency : a report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from the Committee on Environmental Decision Making, Commission on Natural Resources, National Research Council. 1977
Decision making in the Environmental Protection Agency : case studies / 1977
Decision making in the Environmental Protection Agency : selected working papers / 1977
Decision support tools workshop : the Executive Inn, Seattle, Washington, June 28-29, 1994 / 1994
Environmental decision making : a multidisciplinary perspective / 1991
Integrated environmental decision-making in the 21st century / 1999
Integrated environmental decision-making in the twenty-first century : summary recommendations / 1999
Report of the director of the Science Advisory Board for fiscal year .... 1986
Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Implementation Guidelines. 1994
Safety and health decision-making for managers. 1992
Science for environmental protection : the road ahead / 2012
Sustainable development : science, ethics, and public policy / 1995
The law and policy of ecosystem services / 2007
The lean and green supply chain : a practical guide for materials managers and supply chain managers to reduce costs and improve environmental performance / 2000
Toward integrated environmental decision-making / 2000
Trade-off analysis for environmental projects : an annotated bibliography / 1995
Useless arithmetic : why environmental scientists can't predict the future / 2007
Using the DPSIR framework to develop a conceptual model : technical support document / 2015
Valuing ecosystem services 2006
Valuing ecosystem services : toward better environmental decision-making / 2004
Valuing ecosystem services : toward better environmental decision-making / 2005
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : a report of the EPA Science and Advisory Board. 2009
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : an expanded and integrated approach / 2006
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : an expanded and integrated approach / 2005

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