Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental protection Dictionaries)

Select Item Title Year Published
Common environmental terms / 1977
Common environmental terms : a glossary / 1973
Cooper's comprehensive environmental desk reference / 1996
Cooper's comprehensive environmental desk reference {electronic resource} / 1997
Dictionary of environmental protection technology in four languages, English, German, French, Russian / 1988
Dictionary of environmental terms 1976
English-Russian dictionary of environmental protection 1981
Environment, safety, and health thesaurus/dictionary 1991
Environmental acronyms, abbreviations, and glossary of terms / 1989
Environmental acronyms, abbreviations, and glossary of terms / 1991
Environmental engineering dictionary 1992
Environmental engineering dictionary / 1998
Environmental engineering dictionary / 2005
Environmental forensics : a glossary of terms / 1999
Environmental glossary / 1986
Environmental health & safety dictionary : official regulatory terms. 2000
Environmental protection : an alphabetical microthesaurus of terms selected from the legislative indexing vocabulary / 1987
Environmental regulatory glossary / 1993
Environmental regulatory glossary / 1990
Facts On File dictionary of environmental science 1991
Glossary of environmental terms / 1988
Glossary of environmental terms and acronym list / 1989
Glossary of environmental terms and acronym list. 1988
Glossary of the environment ; with French and German equivalents 1977
HarperCollins dictionary of environmental science 1992
Honour's Energy and environmental handbook 1979
Macmillan encyclopedia of the environment 1997
Terms of environment : glossary, abbreviations, and acronyms. 1997
The Facts on File dictionary of environmental science / 2001
The facts on file dictionary of environmental science / 2007
Ying Ri Han huan jing ke xue ci hui = An English-Japanese-Chinese dictionary of environmental sciences / 1985

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