Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 78
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental protection United States Citizen participation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
208 public participation cook book / 1975
A Closer look at resources available to librarians through / 2004
After the storm / 2004
Assessing the environmental consumer market. 1991
Building capacity to participate in Environmental Protection Agency activities : a needs assessment and analysis. 1999
Chemicals in our community. 1998
Citizen groups and the nuclear power controversy: uses of scientific and technological information 1974
Community guide to EPA's partnership programs. 2009
Community-based environmental protection : a resource book for protecting ecosystems and communities / 1997
Contaminantes peligrosos del aire : que cada dueno de hogar debe conocer 1998
Cooler smarter : practical steps for low-carbon living : expert advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists / 2012
Directory of volunteer monitoring programs in the Great Lakes region : excerpts from the fifth edition of the National directory of volunteer environmental monitoring programs / 1998
Disaster lobby; prophets of ecological doom and other absurdities 1973
Don't leave it all to the experts : the citizen's role in environmental decision making. 1972
Donaciones para asistencia tecnica del "Superfund." 1998
EJ 2020 action agenda : the U.S. EPA's environmental justice strategic plan for 2016-2020 / 2016
EJ 2020 Action Agenda. 2016
EMPACT : a new approach to providing timely environmental information to communities across the nation. 1998
EMPACT Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of Metropolitan Areas in EPA Region 5. 2001
EMPACT, EMPACT program. 1998
Environmental consumerism : what every marketer needs to know : an essential guide to the foremost trend of our time / {by Jacquelyn Ottman and Eric Miller}. 1991
EPA partners for change : the environmental pocketbook. 1997
EPA tribal operations update. 0
Everyday environmentalism : law, nature & individual behavior / 2011
Everyone's business : working towards sustainability through environmental stewardship and collaboration / 2008
Frequently asked questions on EPA's Public Involvement Policy : involvement brings the pieces together. 2003
Grants : Environmental Education Grants Program. 2000
Guide to environmental issues / 1996
Guide to environmental issues / 1994
Guide to environmental issues / 1995
How to overcome barriers to public involvement : involvement brings the pieces together. 2003
Interim guidance on technical assistance grants / 1987
Local solutions to toxic pollution 1993
Low carbon diet : a 30-day program to lose 5,000 pounds / 2006
Measurement tips & resources for community projects. 2010
National directory of citizen volunteer environmental monitoring groups / 1990
National directory of citizen volunteer environmental monitoring programs / 1990
National directory of volunteer environmental monitoring programs / 1994
National directory of volunteer environmental monitoring programs / 1998
New directions workshops : assessment series : summary report. 1999
Not in our backyards| community action for health and the environment / 1984
Our earth, ourselves the action-oriented guide to help you protect and preserve our planet / 1990
Partners in protecting America's environment : summary of conference proceedings. 1993
People of color environmental groups : 1994-95 directory / 1994
People of color environmental groups : 2000 directory / 2000
People, places, and partnerships : a progress report on community-based environmental protection. 1997
President's Environmental Youth Awards : the world is-- what you make it. 2000
President's Environmental Youth Awards : Today's Youth Protecting Tomorrow's Environment. 2005
President's Environmental Youth Awards : Today's Youth Protecting Tomorrow's Environment. 2008
President's Environmental Youth Awards : you can make a difference!. 2000
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