Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental policy United States Public opinion)

Select Item Title Year Published
1999 report card : environmental readiness for the 21st century : the eighth annual national report card on environmental attitudes, knowledge, and behavior / 1999
Don't leave it all to the experts : the citizen's role in environmental decision making. 1972
Environmental literacy in America : What ten years of NEETF/Roper research and related studies say about environmental literacy in the U.S. / 2005
Lessons from the environment : why 95% of adult Americans endorse environmental education : the ninth annual national report card on environmental attitudes, knowledge, and behavior / 2001
Public involvement in environmental permits : a reference guide. 2000
Public opinion on environmental issues : results of a national public opinion survey / 1980

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