Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 51
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental policy Decision making)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A possible decision structure for environmental management / 1975
An overview of the outyear liability model (OLM) / 1993
Analytical perspectives on setting environmental standards / 1983
Better environmental decisions : strategies for governments, businesses, and communities / 1999
Building capacity to participate in Environmental Protection Agency activities : a needs assessment and analysis. 1999
Climate change 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change / 1996
Coming clean : information disclosure and environmental performance / 2011
Decision making for a sustainable environment : a systemic approach / 2012
Decision making for the environment : social and behavioral science research priorities / 2005
Decision making for the environment : social and behavioral science research priorities / 2005
Enhancing regional involvement a study of rulemaking at EPA : final report / 1983
Environmental decision-making in context : a toolbox / 2012
Environmental risk assessment for sustainable cities. 1996
EPA Program for Monitoring Ecological Status and Trends. 1991
Framework for decision making : an EPA perspective. 1992
Great Lakes ecological process pilots (GLEPP) : Green Bay, Wisconsin, Saginaw Bay, Michigan : technical work plan : draft. 1991
Handbook for environmental risk decision making : values, perceptions & ethics / 1996
How to evaluate public involvement. 2003
How to involve environmental justice communities. 2003
How to provide information and conduct outreach. 2003
Informing decisions in a changing climate / 2009
Insider's guide to environmental negotiation 1991
Integrated environmental decision-making in the 21st century / 1999
Integrated environmental decision-making in the twenty-first century : summary recommendations / 1999
Late lessons from early warnings : the precautionary principle 1896-2000 / 2001
Making better environmental decisions : an alternative to risk assessment / 2000
Making decisions on cumulative environmental impacts : a conceptual framework / 1992
Managing the environment : Program element:1HAO97 / 1973
Participation and power : civic discourse in environmental policy decisions / 2007
Pollution control as a bargaining process: an essay on regulatory decision-making. 1966
Prototyping and Implementation of Multiscale Air Quality Models for High Performance Computing. 1995
Public participation in environmental assessment and decision making / 2008
Public participation in environmental assessment and decision making / 2008
Recommendations for improving the scientific basis for environmental decisionmaking : a report from the First National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment : December 7-8, 2000, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC / 2001
Resource significance in environmental project planning / 1995
Review of the "Integrated environmental decision-making in the twenty-first century" / 1999
Science Advisory Board commentary on the role of science in "new approaches" to environmental decisionmaking that focus on stakeholder involvement / 1999
Social decision-making for high consequence, low probability occurrences / 1978
Technoscience and environmental justice : expert cultures in a grassroots movement / 2011
Tools to aid environmental decision making / 1999
Toward integrated environmental decision-making / 2000
Unpriced values decisions without market prices / 1979
Using reproductive and developmental effects data in ecological risk assessments for oviparous vertebrates exposed to contaminants / 1998
Valuing ecosystem services 2006
Valuing ecosystem services : toward better environmental decision-making / 2004
Valuing ecosystem services : toward better environmental decision-making / 2005
Valuing health risks, costs, and benefits for environmental decision making : report of a conference / 1990
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : a report of the EPA Science and Advisory Board. 2009
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : an expanded and integrated approach / 2005
Valuing the protection of ecological systems and services : an expanded and integrated approach / 2006
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