Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2799
Showing: Items 551 - 600
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental monitoring)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Data management system for near coastal demonstration project / 1990
Data quality assessment : a reviewer's guide / 2006
Data quality objectives process for hazardous waste site investigations / 2000
Data quality objectives process for hazardous waste site investigations / 1998
De minimis discharges study : report to Congress / 1991
De-designation of air quality maintenance areas / 1976
Decision support systems for risk-based management of contaminated sites / 2009
Defining Biological Status by Comparing with Reference Conditions (Chapter 4). 1994
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Air Program Review, July 13-14, 2005. 2005
Delaware estuary : environmental indicators / 2001
Delivering Timely Air Quality, Traffic, and Weather Information to Your Community. The Paso Del Norte Environmental Monitoring Project. 2003
Delivering timely environmental information to your community : the Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network (BASIN) / 2001
Delivering timely water quality information to your community : the Jefferson Parish-Louisiana Project. 2001
Delivering timely water quality information to your community : the Lake Access-Minneapolis Project. 2000
Demonstration of automatic monitoring of suspended particulate 1900
Department of Justice environmental justice strategy. 1994
Department of Transportation environmental justice strategy / 1995
Deployment of phytotechnology in the 317/319 area at Argonne National Laboratory - East 2005
Depuration Kinetics of Hexachlorobenzene in the Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1990
Derivation and use of environmental quality and human health standards for chemical substances in water and soil / 2010
Dermal transfer efficiency of pesticides from new sheet flooring to new vinyl sheet flooring to dry and wetted palms / 2000
Design and analysis of long-term ecological monitoring studies / 2012
Design and development of an air sampler for the Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS) / 1985
Design and protocol for monitoring indoor air quality / 1989
Design of a Basinwide Monitoring Program for the Tampa Bay Estuary. 1992
Design report for EMAP : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1990
Design, development, and field demonstration of a remote deployable water quality monitoring system / 1981
Designing your monitoring program : a technical handbook for community-based monitoring in Pennsylvania / 2001
Detecting ecological impacts : concepts and applications in coastal habitats / 1996
Detecting leaks : successful methods step-by-step. 1989
Determination of air toxic emissions from non-traditional sources in the Puget Sound region 1986
Determination of C2 to C12 ambient air hydrocarbons in 39 U.S. cities from 1984 through 1986 1989
Determination of C2 to C12 ambient air hydrocarbons in 39 U.S. cities, from 1984 though 1986 : project summary / 1989
Determination of Environmental Contaminants Using an Electrospray Interface Combined with an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. 1993
Determination of the Optimal Sampling Strategy for Assessing Open Lake Water Quality and Tracking Trends in the Western Basin of Lake Erie. 1987
Determination of total gaseous nonmethane organic emissions as carbon : summary of comments and responses / 1987
Determining ambient air quality impacts at hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities a general discussion of monitoring vs modeling feasibility / 1990
Developing a bacterial sampling plan : guidance manual / 2004
Developing and implementing a lead dust outreach, monitoring, and education program in your community : the Syracuse Lead Dust Project / 2003
Developing and implementing a lead dust outreach, monitoring, and education program in your community : the Syracuse Lead Dust Project / 2003
Developing and implementing an estuarine water quality monitoring, assessment, and outreach program : the MYSound project / 2002
Developing and implementing an estuarine water quality monitoring, assessment, and outreach program the MYSound project / [electronic resource] : 2002
Developing the Tools to Meet the Nation's Monitoring Needs: The Evolution of EMAP. Third Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Research Symposium, April 8-11, 1997. 1997
Development and application of assessment protocols for determining the ecological condition of wetlands in the Juniata river watershed : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1999
Development and evaluation of method 5B : background information for proposed reference method / 1984
Development and validation of a test method for acrylonitrile emissions / 1989
Development of a biological monitoring network : a test case, suitability of livestock and wildlife as biological monitors for organophosphorus contaminants / 1975
Development of a fish index of biotic integrity to assess the condition of West Virginia streams : technical support document / 2006
Development of a methodology for use of freshwater clams as biological response system to monitor the nearshore environment of the lower Great Lakes 1988
Development of a national state of the environmental reporting system discussion paper. 1992
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