Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental monitoring United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2001 EMAP Symposium : coastal monitoring through partnerships : Beachside Resort and Conference Center, Pensacola Beach, Florida, April 24-27, 2001. 2001
A compilation of opacity monitor performance audit results / 1983
A compilation of SO2 and NOx continuous emission monitor reliability information ; prepared by James W. Peeler ; prepared for Louis R. Paley ... [et al.]. 1983
A Consolidated report of evaluations and transactions : indoor air and work place environmental qualities / 1991
A Consolidated report of evaluations and transactions : indoor air and work place environmental qualities. 1991
A manager's guide to indicator selection. 2006
A mathematical model of benthic plants in the Snake River / 1994
A review of recent applications of the SAI urban airshed model / 1983
A screening procedure to evaluate air pollution effects on Class I wilderness areas / 1989
A summary of the 1982 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
A summary of the 1983 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1985
A summary of the 1984 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1986
A summary of the 1985 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1987
A summary of the 1986 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1988
A summary of the 1987 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1989
A Summary report of a preliminary evaluation of the indoor air and work environment qualities of EPA Region 1 Occupied Space - One Congress Street, and identified opportunities for improvement / 1990
A user guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science for lentic areas / 1999
A User guide to assessing proper functioning condition and the supporting science for lotic areas / 1998
Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico). 2000
Aerial noise monitoring study, volume 1 : technical dissertation / 1979
Aerial noise monitoring study, volume 2 : operations handbook / 1976
AERMOD: model formulation and evaluation results 99-476 1999
Against the public's will : summary of responses to the Environmental Protection Agency's plans to cut toxic reporting / 2006
Agricultural land use water quality interaction : problem abatement, project monitoring, and monitoring strategies / 1980
Air pollution : EPA's actions to resolve concerns with the fine particulate monitoring program : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 1999
Air pollution and its impacts on U.S. national parks / 2017
Air pollution and its impacts on U.S. national parks / 2017
All about environmental auditing 1992
Alternative models of EPA-- state relationships : a literature survey. 1983
Alternative wastewater treatment for individual lots : part two of a series about onsite wastewater treatment alternatives. 2005
Ambient air monitoring network assessment guidance : analytical techniques for technical air monitoring networks / 2007
America's children and the environment. 2013
An evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
An introduction to continuous emission monitoring programs / 1983
Analysis of EPA pesticide monitoring networks / 1979
Analytical capability of the environmental radiation ambient monitoring system / 1983
Answers to commonly asked questions about R-EMAP sampling designs and data analyses / 1995
Appendix F. summary of comments and responses / Quality assurance procedures. 1987
Assessment of natural volatile organic substances and their effect on air quality in the United States / 1983
Audit of Superfund accomplishments claimed by Region 10 for fiscal year 1992 1993
Audit of the Vulcanus incineration ship prior to the August 1982 PCB burn, Mobile, Alabama / 1983
Behavior of volatile and extractable organics in combined biological/physical-chemical treatment of municipal wastewater / 1982
Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. 2014
Better Use of Technology in Compliance Monitoring Activities : Field Activity Compliance Technology Strategy (Fact Strategy) / 2007
Biomonitoring protocols / 1990
Brochure on national air quality : status and trends. 1996
Building environmental partnerships through information sharing : State/EPA data-management program progress report 1988-1989 / 1989
Buried waste integrated demonstration : technology summary. 1994
Calibration methodology for the double sample of the national lake survey phase II sampling / 1989
Capabilities of the Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory-Las Vegas / 1977
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