Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 95
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental libraries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the services and collections of EPA-New England Region 1 Library / 1998
A guide to the US EPA Region 2 New York Library. 1998
A survey of Environmental Protection Agency libraries / 1973
Access EPA / 1992
Access EPA / 1995
Access EPA / 1991
Access EPA / 1993
ACCESS EPA : discover the new environmental directory. 1990
Access EPA : library and information services. 1991
Access EPA : state environmental libraries. 1991
Access EPA. 1991
Access EPA. Library and information services. 1990
Access express. 1994
Access express. 1995
Access express. 1993
Access express. 1994
Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Resources Center Library, database directory. 1993
AWBERC Library database list. 1993
AWBERC Library database list. 1994
AWBERC Library fact sheet. 1992
Business case for information services : EPA's regional libraries and information centers / 2004
Core list for an environmental reference collection / 2002
Core list for an environmental reference collection / 1996
Core list for an environmental reference collection : a listing of information resources in the areas of environmental protection, management, and science as selected by librarians supporting the United States Environmental Protection Agency / 2008
Core list for an environmental reference collection. 1993
Core list for an environmental reference collection. 2010
Database access at the AWBERC Library / 1992
Directory of environmental data bases for Region V / 1984
Discover the new environmental directory, ACCESS EPA revised 1993 edition. 1994
Environmental protection : EPA needs to ensure that best practices and procedures are followed when making further changes to its library network : report to Congressional requesters / 2008
Environmental protection : EPA needs to follow best practices and procedures when reorganizing its library network : testimony before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Committee on Science and Technology / 2008
Environmental protection EPA needs to ensure that best practices and procedures are followed when making further changes to its library network : report to Congressional requesters / [electronic resource] : 2008
EPA audience group's information needs : a review of reports, focus groups and other resources on information access, from 1997 to 2008. 2008
EPA Headquarters and chemical libraries. 2017
EPA Headquarters Library : helping you navigate the information universe. 2002
EPA Library Network Contact List : Librarians and Managers. 1992
EPA Library Network orientation manual / 1996
EPA library services : for the public. 2009
EPA national library network / 2008
EPA National Library Network / 2015
EPA National Library Network : annual report for fiscal year 2015: October 2014-September 2015. 2015
EPA National Library Network : strategic plan: FY 2020-2025 / 2020
EPA National Library Network : / 2015
EPA National Library Network : / 2018
EPA National Library Network annual report : fiscal year 2016: October 2015-September 2016. 2016
EPA National Library Network FY2017 annual report : annual report : fiscal year 2017: October 2016-September 2017. 2017
EPA National Library Network FY2018 annual report : fiscal year 2018: October 2017-September 2018. 2018
EPA National Library Network FY2019 annual report : fiscal year 2019: October 2018-September 2019. 2019
EPA National Library Network FY2020 annual report : fiscal year 2020: October 2019 - September 2020. 2021
EPA national library network report to Congress. 2008
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