Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 135
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental laboratories)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Review, evaluation, and critique of a study of EPA laboratories by the MITRE Corporation and additional commentary on EPA science and technology programs : a summary of panel views / 1994
A summary of the EPA national source performance audit program, 1979 / 1981
A summary of the EPA national source performance audit program, 1980 / 1981
A Topical directory of expertise at the Environmental Research Laboratory - Duluth : an EPA/ORD Freshwater Research Center / 1992
An SAB report : review of MITRE Corp. draft report on the EPA laboratory study / 1994
Analytical laboratory guidebook for environmental professionaLs / [prepared by] NUS Corporation. 1988
Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati. 1980
Annual report / 1975
Aquatic toxicology : a topical directory for the Environmental Research Laboratory at Duluth, Minnesota / 1988
Assessment of the scientific and technical laboratories and facilities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1994
At a Glance : EPA Has Not Implemented Adequate Management Procedures to Address Potential Fraudulent Environmental Data. 2014
At a Glance : Improvements Needed to Secure IT Assets at EPA-Owned Research Facilities. 2013
AWBERC anniversary/employee appreciation day, August 21, 1986 : special edition. 1986
Biomedical data validation through an on-line computer system / 1978
Briefing book : Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency. 1978
Cincinnati Environmental Research Center / 1998
Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory : summary of missions, needs, resources, accomplishments, and trends / 1975
Design of a laboratory for particulate analysis / 1981
Development of in-house capabilities for determination of quality of water and sediments / 1974
Development of quality assurance plans for research tasks, Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina : guidelines for taskmasters quality assurance document #2. 1978
Division review : February 25-28, 2002 / 2002
Engineering, planning, architecture and space standards and guidelines for EPA facilities : strategic and physical facilities master plan / 1994
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) laboratory methods manual : estuaries. Volume 1, Biological and physical analyses / 1995
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) laboratory methods manual, estuaries. 1995
Environmental radioactivity laboratory intercomparison studies program, fiscal year 1981-1982 / 1981
Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati. 1978
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, GA : 1991 highlights. 1991
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, GA : 1992 highlights. 1993
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, GA : 1993 highlights / 1994
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, GA : 1994 highlights / 1995
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, Ga. 1992
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, Georgia. 1993
Environmental Research Laboratory, 6201 Congdon Boulevard, Duluth, Minnesota 55804, (218) 727 6692 / 1985
Environmental Research Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida : semi-annual report July - December 1975. 1975
Environmental response laboratory network / 2010
Environmental technology verification program quality management plan [electronic resource]. 2008
Environmental technology verification program. 2008
EPA - Cincinnati's 1990 annual awards ceremony and 20th anniversary celebration : Thursday December 13, 1990 : AWBERC Auditorium, 1:30 P.M., 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 / 1990
EPA Cincinnati research facilities / 2016
EPA has not implemented adequate management procedures to address potential fraudulent environmental data. 2014
EPA newsletter. Quality assurance / 1986
EPA newsletter. Quality assurance / 0
EPA Research containment facility / 1990
EPA's green future for laboratories a case study of the Kansas City Science & Technology Center. {electronic resources} : 2003
EPA's water laboratory alliance : a powerful resource for state primacy agencies. 2010
ERL-D ecosystems research program. 1987
Evaluation of sample extract cleanup using solid-phase extraction cartridges / 1990
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) good laboratory practice standards (GLPS) questions and answers. 1992
Field activity training : course manual / 2000
General information booklet / 1976
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