Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 348
Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental education)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Everyday Choices: Opportunities for Environmental Stewardship. Technical Report. 2005
Excellence in EE : guidelines for learning (K-12). 1999
Excellence in environmental education : guidelines for learning (K-12) : executive summary & self assessment tool. 1999
Excellence in environmental education : guidelines for learning (K-12) : executive summary & self-assessment tool. 2010
Excellence in environmental education : guidelines for learning (K-12). 2010
Excellence in environmental education : guidelines for learning (pre K-12) : executive summary & self assessment tool. 2004
Excellence in Environmental education : guidelines for learning (pre K-12). 2004
Explore the River: integrated multimedia curriculum framed by the cultural values of the Salisha and Pend d'Oreille People
Exploring sustainable communities : comprehensive coursework on the global environment / 1997
Fact sheet: EPA's Outreach Efforts 1995
Federal agency partnerships : Federal Task Force on Environmental Education. 1998
Field testing for ozone / 2022
Final report to the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from the International Environmental Technology Transfer Advisory Board. 1990
From classroom to community and beyond : educating for a sustainable future : report / 1997
Gaining ground environmental education in business schools : final report of the curriculum development project / 1992
Gale environmental almanac 1993
Getting in step : a guide for conducting watershed outreach campaigns / 2003
Getting in step with phase II : a workshop for stormwater program managers : June 22-23, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / 2004
Getting involved in environmental education : things educators can do. 1998
Getting started : a guide to bringing environmental education into your classroom / 1994
Getting Started: A Guide to Bringing Environmental Education into Your Classroom. 1994
Governors' action plan for healthy and resilient coasts, March 2006 - March 2009 {electronic resource} / 2006
Grants : Environmental Education Grants Program. 2000
Grants for environmental education in the Northwest : an abridged, annotated bibliography compiled by the U.S. EPA. 1999
Great grants : environmental education success stories of EPA Region 10. 1998
Great minds? Great Lakes! : don't miss the boat with environmental education. 1990
Greater Cincinnati Environmental Educators : 2009 directory. 2009
Greenguide : environmental directory for the Philadelphia area. 1999
Growing up green : education for ecological renewal / 1998
Guide to curriculum planning in environmental education. 1985
Guidelines for the initial preparation of environmental educators. 2000
Guidelines for the preparation and professional development of environmental educators. 2004
Gulf of Mexico Program: 1997 Shareholder Report 1997
Hands-on nature : information and activities for exploring the environment with children / 1986
Haz-Ed : classroom activities for understanding hazardous waste / 1996
Healthy Futures Project : student guidelines and suggestions for environmental health projects. 0
Help! : EPA resources for small governments. 1991
Holding onto the Green Zone Action Guide, A Youth Program for the Study and Stewardship of Community Riparian Areas, 2008. 2009
Holding onto the GREEN zone leader guide : a youth program for the study and stewardship of community riparian areas / 2008
Ideas that work for outdoor teachers and leaders : papers, activities, and resources from the 1985 National Outdoor Education Conference / 1985
Indians of Washington and the environment 1989
Information systems and the environment 2001
Inseparable parts : a catalog of environmental education programs in Washington State. 1985
Integrating environmental education into the school curriculum. 1994
International strategy for action in 1990 the field of environmental education and training for the 1990s. 1988
Join the planet protectors club!. 2000
Key findings of America's environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. 1998
Language arts and environmental awareness : 100+ integrated books and activities for children / 1998
Let's recycle! : lesson plans for grades k-6 and 7-12. 1980
Let's reduce and recycle : curriculum for solid waste awareness : lesson plans for grades K-6 and 7-12. 1990
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