Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental agencies)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annual report. 1970
Border EcoWeb = EcoWeb fronteriza. 1997
Bureaucrats, politics, and the environment 2004
Directory of environmental databases for region 5 / 1984
Directory of state and epa shallow injection well control programs. 1991
Environment Germany. 1977
Environmental protection indicators for California : understanding environmental conditions through indicators / 2002
Lean and Information Technology Toolkit. 2015
Lean Government Implementation Guide : Make Changes Stick and Sustain Gains from Lean Projects. 2017
Lean in Government Starter Kit Version 3.0 : How to Plan and Implement Successful Lean Initiatives at Environmental Agencies. 2011
Lean in Government Starter Kit Version 4.0 : How to Plan and Implement Successful Lean Initiatives at Environmental Agencies. 2017
Not in my backyard : Executive Order 12,898 and Title VI as tools for achieving environmental justice / 2003
Quarterly status report, 3rd quarter FY 75. 1975
Regional oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan : Region V inland. 1974
Resolving disputes over science in natural resource agency decisionmaking / 2010
The Environmental resource handbook 2016. 2015
The environmental resource handbook. 2013
The environmental resource handbook. 2002
The history of the California Environmental Protection Agency. 2001
U.S. EPA Region II Local Contingency Plan for Oil and Hazardous Substance Releases : Specific Information and Procedures. 1986
World environment day, June 5, 1980 : 1980 theme : "A new challenge for a new decade: development without destruction" / 1980

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