Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Environmental Pollutants adverse effects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1991
A clinical guide to reproductive and developmental toxicology / 1992
Addendum to the health assessment document for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) : updated carcinogenicity assessment for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene, PERC, PCE). 1986
Advances in mercury toxicology 1991
Advances in neurobehavioral toxicology applications in environmental and occupational health / 1990
Air pollution, airways hyperreactivity, and pulmonary function measurements in asthma / 1977
Analysis of environmental endocrine disruptors / 2000
Animals as monitors of environmental pollutants. 1979
Basic environmental toxicology / 1994
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Biologic markers in reproductive toxicology / 1989
Chemical brain injury 1998
Chemical exposure and disease : diagnostic and investigative techniques / 1988
Chemical exposure and disease : diagnostic and investigative techniques : the professional and layperson's guide to understanding, cause and effect / 1994
Chemically-induced alterations in sexual and functional development-- the wildlife/human connection / 1992
Chemicals, environment, health : a global management perspective / 2012
Chemistry and ecotoxicology of pollution / 1984
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2008
Chromium in the natural and human environments 1988
Contaminated communities : the social and psychological impacts of residential toxic exposure / 1988
Ecotoxicology 1987
Endocrine disruptors : effects on male and female reproductive systems / 1999
Endocrine disruptors : effects on male and female reproductive systems / 2005
Environmental and human health impacts of nanotechnology / 2009
Environmental chemical exposures and immune system integrity : proceedings of the Workshop on the Relationship between Environmental Chemical Exposures and the Integrity of the Immune System, September 16, 1986 / 1987
Environmental endocrine disrupters : an evolutionary perspective / 2000
Environmental hormones : the scientific basis of endocrine disruption / 2001
Environmental impact on the airways : from injury to repair / 1996
Environmental pollution. 1970
Environmental pollution. Series A, Ecological and biological. 1980
Environmental Protection Agency : use of precautionary assumptions in health risk assessments and benefits estimates : report to congressional requesters / 2000
Environmental sciences : an international journal of environmental physiology and toxicology. 1991
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 2000
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 1992
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 2009
Environmental toxicology : current developments / 1998
Ethylene in the environment : scientific criteria for assessing its effects on environmental quality / 1985
Fertility and female dietary exposure to persistent organochlorine compounds / 2003
Fundamentals of ecotoxicology / 2003
Fundamentals of ecotoxicology / 2010
Genes and the environment / 1999
Genetic toxicology : an agricultural perspective / 1982
Genetic toxicology of complex mixtures / 1990
Global assessment of the state-of-the-science of endocrine disruptors : an assessment prepared by an expert group on behalf of the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organisation, and the United Nations Environment Programme / 2002
Handbook of toxic and hazardous chemicals and carcinogens / 1991
Health assessment document for chromium : final report / 1984
Health assessment document for tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) / 1984
Health effects of toxic pollution : a report from the Surgeon General ; and, A brief review of selected environmental contamination incidents with a potential for health effects : reports / 1980
Health risk assessment of dioxin-like compounds in complex samples / 2003
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