Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Entomology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'In Considerable Variety': Introducing the Diversity of Australia's Insects [electronic resource] / 2011
A Roadmap to the Successful Development and Commercialization of Microbial Pest Control Products for Control of Arthropods [electronic resource] / 2011
Alternative Farming Systems, Biotechnology, Drought Stress and Ecological Fertilisation [electronic resource] / 2011
An Ecological and Societal Approach to Biological Control [electronic resource] / 2006
An introduction to the study of insects / 1989
Ane's Encyclopedic Dictionary of General & Applied Entomology [electronic resource] / 2008
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 1908
Annual review of entomology. 1956
Aphid Biodiversity under Environmental Change Patterns and Processes / [electronic resource] : 2010
Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests From Research to Field Implementation / [electronic resource] : 2007
Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation and Livelihood Security Vol. 1: Technological Aspects of Beekeeping / [electronic resource] : 2014
Beetle Conservation [electronic resource] / 2007
Beneficial insects [electronic resource] / 2019
Biocontrol of Lepidopteran Pests Use of Soil Microbes and their Metabolites / [electronic resource] : 2015
Biorational Control of Arthropod Pests Application and Resistance Management / [electronic resource] : 2009
Botrytis: Biology, Pathology and Control [electronic resource] / 2007
Bulletin / 1969
Butterfly Conservation in South-Eastern Australia: Progress and Prospects [electronic resource] / 2011
Classical Biological Control of Bemisia tabaci in the United States - A Review of Interagency Research and Implementation [electronic resource] / 2008
Collecting, preserving and studying insects. 1970
Common Infectious Diseases of Insects in Culture Diagnostic and Prophylactic Methods / [electronic resource] : 2011
Control of livestock insect pests by the sterile-male technique. Proceedings of a panel ... organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture and held in Vienna, 23-27 Jan. 1967. 1968
Control of Poultry Mites (Dermanyssus) [electronic resource] / 2009
Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology [electronic resource] / 2010
Dictionary of entomology 1976
Diseases of Mites and Ticks [electronic resource] / 2009
Dynamic model of insect grazing in a forest canopy / 1972
Ecdysone: Structures and Functions [electronic resource] / 2009
Ecological Strategies of Aquatic Insects / 2017
Effect of Elevated Water Temperature on Insect Emergence in Outdoor Experimental Channels. 1981
Egg Parasitoids in Agroecosystems with Emphasis on Trichogramma [electronic resource] / 2010
Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Hemiptera - Heteroptera Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America / [electronic resource] : 2011
Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata - Anisoptera Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America / [electronic resource] : 2006
Entomology in the U.S.A. / 1976
Entomology [electronic resource] / 2005
Environmental entomology. 1972
Forest Entomology in East Africa Forest Insects of Tanzania / [electronic resource] : 2006
Forest Entomology in West Tropical Africa: Forests Insects of Ghana [electronic resource] / 2008
From Biological Control to Invasion: the Ladybird Harmonia axyridis as a Model Species [electronic resource] / 2008
Fundamentals of entomology / 1981
Genome Mapping and Genomics in Arthropods [electronic resource] / 2008
Hands-On Chemical Ecology Simple Field and Laboratory Exercises / [electronic resource] : 2009
Honeybees of Asia [electronic resource] / 2011
Host Plant Catalog of Aphids Palaearctic Region / [electronic resource] : 2009
Human and Animal Relationships [electronic resource] / 2008
Indian insects : diversity and science / 2019
Insect Behavior 2nd Edition / [electronic resource] : 2010
Insect biology in the future 1980
Insect Biotechnology [electronic resource] / 2011
Insect potpourri adventures in entomology / 1992
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