Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=English language Grammar Handbooks manuals etc)

Select Item Title Year Published
A writer's reference / 2015
A writer's reference / 2003
Grammar smart : a guide to perfect usage / 2001
Handbook of current English / 1989
Hodges' Harbrace handbook 2004
Hodges' Harbrace handbook / 2001
REA's handbook of English grammar, style, and writing 1992
The elements of grammar / 1996
The Gregg reference manual / 2001
The Gregg reference manual / 1985
The Gregg reference manual / 1992
The Gregg reference manual / 1996
The Gregg reference manual : a manual of style, grammar, usage, and formatting / 2011
The Gregg reference manual : a manual of style, grammar, usage, and formatting / 2005
The infographic guide to grammar : a visual reference for everything you need to know / 2020
The Little, Brown handbook / 2004
The Random House handbook / 1984
Writer's Harbrace handbook 2001

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