Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=English language Dictionaries French)

Select Item Title Year Published
Cassell's French dictionary : French-English, English-French / 1977
English-French international development lexicon. 1970
Harper Collins French dictionary : French-English, English-French. 1991
Heath's standard French and English dictionary, 1966
Kettridge's French-English, English-French dictionary. 1968
New Cassell's French dictionary French-English, English-French. 1967
NTC's beginner's French and English dictionary / 1992
NTC's new college French and English dictionary. 1991
Oxford-Hachette French dictionary : French-English, English-French / 1997
Power translator Spanish French German Italian. [electronic resource] : 1996
Routledge French technical dictionary = Routledge dictionnaire technique anglais. 1994
Soil and environmental science dictionary 2001
Terminology of water supply and environmental sanitation Terminologie de l'approvisionnement en eau et de l'assainissement du milieu / 1987
The New Cassell's French dictionary : French-English, English-French. 1962

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