Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=English language Dictionaries Polyglot)

Select Item Title Year Published
Dictionary of biology : English, German, French, Spanish 1981
Dictionary of biology : English, German, French, Spanish / 1976
Dictionnaire de la biologie anglais, allemand, francais, espagnol = Diccionario de biologia = Worterbuch der Biologie = Dictionary of biology / 1976
Elsevier's dictionary of environment in English, French, Spanish and Arabic / 1998
Elsevier's dictionary of hydrogeology; in three languages, English. French. German. 1969
International dictionary of metallurgy-mineralogy-geology : mining and oil industries. In four languages : English, French, German, Italian / 1970
International glossary of hydrology = Glossaire international d'hydrologie = [Mezhdunarodnyæi gidrologicheskiæi slovar§] = Glosario hidrológico internacional / 1974
International meteorological vocabulary = Vocabulaire meteorologique international. 1992

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