Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Engineering geology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Window on the Future of Geodesy Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy IAG General Assembly Sapporo, Japan June 30 - July 11, 2003 / [electronic resource] : 2005
Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction [electronic resource] / 2006
Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering [electronic resource] / 2010
Alabama Water-Resources Spectrum. 1972
An Introduction to Soil Dynamics [electronic resource] / 2010
Applications of palaeontology : techniques and case studies / 2011
Applied geophysics for geologists and engineers : the elements of geophysical prospecting 1981
Assessing and Managing Earthquake Risk Geo-scientific and Engineering Knowledge for Earthquake Risk Mitigation: developments, tools, techniques / [electronic resource] : 2006
ASTM standards for surface and borehole geophysical methods. 2005
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 2004
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 1998
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 2002
Bentonite clay : environmental properties and applications / 2015
Clay minerals for petroleum geologists and engineers 1988
Coastal Karst Landforms [electronic resource] / 2013
Continental Scientific Drilling A Decade of Progress, and Challenges for the Future / [electronic resource] : 2007
Debris-flow Hazards and Related Phenomena [electronic resource] / 2005
Deep-well Injection of Liquid Waste. A Review of Existing Knowledge and an Evaluation of Research Needs. 1965
Design and Construction of Tunnels Analysis of controlled deformation in rocks and soils (ADECO-RS) / [electronic resource] : 2008
Design of non-impounding mine waste dumps 1985
Directions in Strong Motion Instrumentation [electronic resource] / 2005
Earth Structures In Transport, Water and Environmental Engineering / [electronic resource] : 2008
Earthquake Early Warning Systems [electronic resource] / 2007
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering-Invited Lectures / [electronic resource] : 2007
Earthquakes and Tsunamis Civil Engineering Disaster Mitigation Activities Implementing Millennium Development Goals / [electronic resource] : 2009
Eco-and Ground Bio-Engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability Proceedings of the First International Conference on Eco-Engineering 13-17 September 2004 / [electronic resource] : 2007
Engineering characteristics of the rocks of Pennsylvania : environmental geology supplement to the state geologic map / 1982
Engineering characteristics of the rocks of Pennsylvania : environmental geology supplement to the State geologic map / 1972
Engineering classification of geological materials and (related soils) 1970
Engineering classification of geological materials and (related soils) : division two / 1966
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils 1969
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils : division five 1969
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils : division four 1967
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils : division seven 1969
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils : division three 1968
Engineering classification of geological materials and related soils: division one. 1965
Engineering geology : an environmental approach 1986
Engineering geology and design of slopes for cretaceous Potomac deposits in Fairfax County, Virginia, and vicinity 1984
Engineering geology field manual. 1998
Engineering Geology for Underground Rocks [electronic resource] / 2007
Engineering geology in Washington. 1989
Engineering geology of the Northeast corridor, Washington D.C., to Boston, Massachusetts : bedrock geology / 1967
Engineering geology of the Northeast corridor, Washington D.C., to Boston, Massachusetts : coastal plain and surficial deposits / 1967
Engineering geology of the Paducah West and Metropolis quadrangles in Kentucky : a field and laboratory study of engineering behavior of earth materials in an urban area / 1968
Engineering geology of Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. to Greenbelt, Maryland, July 14, 1989 / 1989
Engineering geology office manual basic concepts and procedures. 1988
Engineering Geology Principles and Practice / [electronic resource] : 2009
Environmental aspects of geology and engineering in Oklahoma a symposium of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 1971
Environmental Geology Handbook of Field Methods and Case Studies / [electronic resource] : 2007
Environmental geology. 1993
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