Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy policy United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
20% wind energy by 2030 : increasing wind energy's contribution to U.S. electricity supply / 2008
A national plan for energy research, development & demonstration : creating energy choices for the future / 1976
A national strategy for energy security : recommendations to the nation on reducing U.S. oil dependence. 2008
A new power base : renewable energy policies for the nineties and beyond / 1993
Achievable cost-effective natural gas savings in the United States due to adoption of aggressive energy efficiency policies and programs 2006
Act to increase domestic energy supplies and availability, to restrain energy demand, to prepare for energy emergencies, and for other purposes. 1975
Agriculture sector options identification paper for the EPAct Section 1605(b) voluntary reporting program. 1993
Agriculture-based renewable energy production 2006
Alcohol fuel options and Federal policies : hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, May 4, June 12, 1979. 1979
Alternative long-range energy strategies : joint hearing before the Select Committee on Small Business and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session, on alternative long-range energy strategies ... December 9, 1976. 1977
America's energy choices : investing in a strong economy and a clean environment / 1991
America's energy future : technology and transformation / 2009
America's energy future : technology and transformation / 2009
American energy : the renewable path to energy security / 2006
An evaluation of the national energy plan : report to the Congress / 1977
Analysis of federal energy roles and structure : report 1982
Annual report to Congress on federal government energy management and conservation programs : fiscal year 1992. 1994
Apollo's fire : igniting America's clean-energy economy / 2008
Application of solar technology to today's energy needs. 1978
Automobile and light truck fuel economy : is CAFE up to standards? / 2001
Automobile and light truck fuel economy : the CAFE standards / 2004
Before the lights go out : conquering the energy crisis before it conquers us / 2012
Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of America's growing dependency on imported petroleum / 2004
Blood and oil : the dangers and consequences of America's growing petroleum dependency / 2004
Breathing easier : taking action on climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity / 1988
Breathing easier : taking action on climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity / 1989
Brief on biomass and cellulosic ethanol 2005
Briefing book on environmental and energy legislation 1992
Brittle power : energy strategy for national security 1982
Bush administration's anti-environmental actions : as commented on by America's editorial pages : January 2001 - December 2005 / 2006
Carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere, synthetic fuels and energy policy : a symposium / 1979
Cheap and clean : how Americans think about energy in the age of global warming / 2014
Clean energy-environment guide to action : policies, best practices, and action steps for states. 2006
Climate 2030 : a national blueprint for a clean energy economy / 2009
Climate protection and the national interest : the links among climate change, air pollution, and energy security / 1997
Coal & Illinois industry : the impact of the national energy acts of 1978 : conference proceedings of May 9-10, 1979 at the Conrad Hilton, Chicago, Illinois 1979
Coal : research and development to support national energy policy / 2007
Common sense, nonsense and making sense 2000
Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas conversions : the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's experience / 1996
Confronting collapse : the crisis of energy and money in a post peak oil world : a 25-point program for action / 2009
Congressional Quarterly's energy sourcebook. 0
Conservation and alternative fuels in the transportation sector 1980
Conservation of energy resources / 1979
Constraints on coal development : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session ... held in Washington, D.C., June 9, 1977. 1977
Corporate Average Fuel Economy and CAFE reform for MY 2008-2011 light trucks : final regulatory impact analysis / 2006
Creating abundance America's least-cost energy strategy / 1984
Critical link : energy and national security in the 1980s : a report of the International Resources Division, Amos A. Jordon, executive director 1981
Crosscutting institutional issues options identification paper for the EPAct Section 1605 voluntary reporting program. 1993
Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration : average fuel economy standards for light trucks model years 2008-2011 / 2006
Design, development and testing of an energy-environment information transfer system : final report / 1978
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