Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy policy Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A planet to win : why we need a green new deal / 2019
Addendum : project listings for FY1977. 1978
Annual review of energy and the environment / 1991
Annual review of environment and resources. 2003
Bibliography of the interagency energy-environment R & D program. 1979
Bibliography of the interagency energy-environment R & D program. 1977
Climate protection in Germany : national report of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany in anticipation of Article 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 1994
Decision support system for sustainable energy management / 2011
Design, development and testing of an energy-environment information transfer system : final report / 1978
Energy and climate 1977
Energy and the environment : a risk-benefit approach 1976
Energy at the crossroads : global perspectives and uncertainties / 2003
Energy crisis and the environment : an international perspective 1977
Energy Department's Office of Environment does not have a large role in decision-making : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate 1980
Energy Development Monitoring System. 1976
Energy production and environment. 1977
Energy technology perspectives 2008 : scenarios & strategies to 2050 : in support of the G8 Plan of Action / 2008
Energy, public choices, and environmental data needs / 1977
Energy-environment source book 1975
Energy. 2012
Environmental considerations in future energy growth / 1973
Environmental impacts, efficiency, and cost of energy supply and end use : final report / 1974
Environmental impacts, efficiency, and cost of energy supply and end use, phase I draft final report / 1973
Health implications of new energy technologies / 1980
Heat : how to stop the planet from burning / 2007
Land use : a technical supplement to the West-central North Dakota regional environmental impact study / 1978
Linking uncertain energy and environmental models : executive summary : prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy 1980
Linking uncertain energy and environmental models : prepared for the U.S. Department 1980
Local control over the onshore impacts of offshore energy development in Florida 1979
Man, environment, energy 1987
MAP3S : studying the transport, transformation, and fate of atmospheric energy - related pollutants. 1978
National environmental/energy workforce assessment : national abstract / 1977
New transportation fuels : a strategic approach to technological change / 1988
Plasma science and the environment 1997
Quantitative energy studies and models : a state of the art review 1973
Refining the waterfront : alternative energy facility siting policies for urban coastal areas 1980
Regional environment-energy data book : Rocky Mountain Region / 1978
Revolution green : a true story of biodiesel in America / 2007
Science magazine's state of the planet, 2006-2007 / 2006
Solar, wind and land : conflicts in renewable energy development / 2014
Study of industrial uses of energy relative to environmental effects / 1974
Sustainable urban energy policy : heat and the city / 2016
Symposium on Energy, Resources and the Environment. 1972
The green-collar economy : how one solution can fix our two biggest problems / 2008
The post carbon reader : managing the 21st century's sustainability crises / 2010
U.S. energy and environmental interest groups institutional profiles / 1990
Western regional energy development study 1975

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