Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy development United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
American Indian energy resources and development 1980
Before the lights go out : conquering the energy crisis before it conquers us / 2012
Bibliography of Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program publications. 1977
Drilling down on America's energy future : safety, security, and clean energy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, June 15, 2010. 2013
Energy and the environment : a risk-benefit approach 1976
Energy from the West : energy resource development systems report / 1979
Energy trends in selected manufacturing sectors : opportunities and challenges for environmentally preferable energy outcomes : final report / 2007
Energy, resources and the environment : selected bibliography. 1979
Energy/environment II / 1977
Energy/environment III : third National Conference on the Interagency R & D Program, June 1 and 2, 1978, Shoreham Americana Hotel, Washington, D.C. / 1978
Energy/environment III third National Conference on the Interagency R&D Program, June 1 and 2, 1978, Washington, D.C. / 1978
Energy/environment IV : proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R & D Program, June 7 & 8, 1979, Shoreham Americana Hotel, Washington, DC / 1980
Energy/environment IV Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program, June 7 & 8, 1979, Shoreham Americana Hotel, Washington, D.C.; 1979
Ethanol, farm and fuel issues / 1980
Farm land and energy : conflicts in the making / 1980
Federal nonnuclear energy research and development act (Public Law 93-577) section 11, environmental evaluation : report to the President and Congress / 1980
Four Corners regional study : phase II, task 1, alternative measures : (draft methodology) : NCAQ staff summary. 1980
Fuel alcohol : an energy alternative for the 1980s : appendix : final report 1981
Impact of technology on energy management : proceedings of a forum/workshop / 1976
Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies 2013
Induced seismicity potential in energy technologies / 2013
Integrating energy and water resources decision making in the Great Lakes Basin : an examination of future power generation scenarios and water resource impacts / 2011
National coastal ecological research : existing and proposed energy developments / 1981
Potential for coal use and related economic and air quality implications of future energy scenarios : final report 1981
Realizing the energy potential of methane hydrate for the United States / 2010
Reinventing fire : bold business solutions for the new energy era / 2011
Routes of power : energy and modern America / 2014
The end of energy : the unmaking of America's environment, security, and independence / 2011
The energy balance of corn ethanol : an update / 2002
The Energy-water nexus : implications for the great lakes / 2009
The Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act (P.L. 93-577) section 11, environmental evaluation : background document for national hearings, October 3-5 1979, Washington, D.C. / 1979
The GET : grand energy transition / 2008
Transforming U.S. energy innovation / 2014

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