Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 54
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy development Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Land Out of Time 2006
Alternative fuels and the environment / 1995
Ambient air quality monitoring network : EPA Region VIII energy areas / 1977
An energy research and development plan : ecological effects program / 1974
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the San Juan Basin / 1979
Carbon nitrogen sulfur : human interference in grand biospheric cycles 1985
Decision support system for sustainable energy management / 2011
Dispatches from the Gulf / 2016
Ecological studies of natural and established ecosystems on energy related disturbances in Colorado 1984
EIA technical review guidelines : energy generation and transmission / 2011
Electrospinning for advanced energy and environmental applications / 2016
Energy and environment in the marketplace : proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual Illinois Energy Conference, Holiday Inn City Centre, Chicago, Illinois, November 14-15, 1996 / 1996
Energy and sustainability III / 2011
Energy and the environment in the 21st century / 1991
Energy and the fate of ecosystems : the report of the Ecosystem Impacts Resource Group, Risk and Impact Panel of the Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems, National Research Council. 1980
Energy decisions and the environment : a guide to the use of multicriteria methods / 2000
Energy efficiency and the environment. 1991
Energy risk assessment 1982
Energy technologies & the environment. 1988
Energy technology perspectives 2008 : scenarios & strategies to 2050 : in support of the G8 Plan of Action / 2008
Energy, economics, and the environment : toward a comprehensive perspective 1982
Energy, the environment, and public opinion 2002
Energy-environment connection 1992
Energy/environment '78 : a symposium on energy development impacts : proceedings, 22-24 August, 1978, the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California / 1978
Energy/environment fact book / 1978
Environment and energy : environmental aspects of energy production and use with particular reference to new technologies : a report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 1979
Environmental aspects of geology and engineering in Oklahoma a symposium of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 1971
Environmental assessment for implementation of energy savings performance and conservation measures at Research Triangle Park, NC : draft 2018
Environmental effects of energy systems : the OECD COMPASS Project. 1983
Environmental implications of alternative energy futures for the Great Lakes Basin : report to the International Joint Commission / 1982
Frackopoly : the battle for the future of energy and the environment / 2016
Future issues in environmental radiation : report on future issues and challenges in the study of environmental radiation, with a focus toward future institutional readiness by the Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Geochemical, hydrological and biological cycling of energy residuals. 1984
Global climate change : linking energy, environment, economy, and equity / 1992
Green globe yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development 1995 : an independent publication on environment and development / 1995
Guidance document for the safety of a management system for onshore oil and natural gas production operations and associated activities. API Bulletin 75L, first edition, November 2007 2007
Handling health impacts : suggestions for communities impacted by energy developments / 1977
Health effects research program : fiscal years 1974-1978 summary / 1979
Health implications of new energy technologies / 1980
Heat / 2008
Implications of the Clean air amendments of 1977 and of energy considerations for air pollution control 1980
Incorporating environmental concerns into power sector decisionmaking a case study of Sri Lanka / 1994
Interactions of energy and climate : proceedings of an international workshop held in Mèunster, Germany, March 3-6, 1980 / 1980
Interim report on climate change country studies 1995
Perspectives on energy and the environment 1980
Planning and conducting surface preparation and coating operations for oil and natural gas drilling and production facilities in a marine environment. API Bulletin 91, first edition, June 2007. 2007
Power paths / 2008
Procedures for evaluating health impacts resulting from development of energy resources / 1978
Race for sustainability : energy, economy, environment and ethics / 2014
Report to Congress : management of wastes from the exploration, development, and production of crude oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy. 1987
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