Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1062
Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy conservation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Clean energy symposium : economies in transition / 1997
Climate change & you : what you can do at home. 2007
Climate change & you : what you can do at school. 2007
Climate change & you : what you can do at the office. 2007
Climate change and energy efficiency in industry. 1991
Climate change discussion series : energy. 1992
Climate change discussion series : transportation. 1992
Climate Change Mitigation Strategies for Kentucky: Policy Options for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Year 2020 AD. 1998
Climate wise : wise rules for industrial efficiency : a tool kit for estimating energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. 1998
Closed Cycle Textile Dyeing: Extended Evaluation of Full-Scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration. 1984
Closed-Cycle Textile Dyeing: Full-Scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration. 1983
Coal & Illinois industry : the impact of the national energy acts of 1978 : conference proceedings of May 9-10, 1979 at the Conrad Hilton, Chicago, Illinois 1979
Coal bed methane best management practices : a handbook / 2006
Coal bed methane-produced water : management options for sustainable development / 2004
Cogeneration technology and economics for the process industries 1983
Cogeneration: Status and Environmental Issues. 1984
Community energy challenge : energy outreach at EPA New England. 2010
Community energy challenge : promoting energy efficiency and renewables in New England cities and towns. 2009
Community energy challenge : promoting energy efficiency and renewables in New England cities and towns. 2007
Community energy management in Sitka, Alaska : what strategies can help increase energy independence? / 2013
Community energy planning : the basic elements / 1980
Community energy workbook a guide to building a sustainable economy / 1995
Compact fluorescent lighting. 1998
Compendium on Low and Non-Waste Technology, Monographs 1-20. 1982
Compendium on Low and Non-Waste Technology, Monographs 21-46. 1982
Competitive energy management & environmental technologies / 1995
Compilation of selected energy-related legislation 1987
Compilation of selected energy-related legislation / 1985
Comprehensive energy plan : "Making DC energy efficient". 1986
Comprehensive Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures, Appendices. 1975
Comprehensive Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures. 1975
Comprehensive indoor air quality research strategy / 1985
Comprehensive program and plan for federal energy education, extension and information activities : P.L. 95-39, Title V, National Energy Extension Service Act and P.L. 96-294, section 404, Energy Security Act 1981
Compression ratio and fuel economy with emission constraints / 1976
Conference on capturing the sun through bioconversion, March 10-12, 1976, Washington, D. C., Shoreham Americana Hotel : proceedings. 1976
Conference on Climate and Energy Climatological Aspects and Industrial Operations of the American Meteorological Society, May 8-12, 1978, Asheville, North Carolina. 1978
Connecticut renewable energy and energy efficiency incentives. 2009
Conservation and alternative energy technologies for Illinois and the Midwest : proceedings of the eighth annual Illinois Energy Conference : November 19-21, 1980, Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. 1980
Conservation and alternative fuels in the transportation sector 1980
Conservation of energy resources / 1979
Conservation verification protocols : a guidance document for electric utilities affected by the Acid Rain Program of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 / 1995
Conservation verification protocols : a guidance document for electric utilities affected by the Acid Rain Program of the Clean Air Amendments of 1990. 1993
Consumer electronics : Energy Star / 2001
Consumer guide to home energy savings 2007
Consumer guide to home energy savings 1998
Consumer guide to home energy savings 2003
Control Technology Center : FY92, a summary of program accomplishments / 1993
Cool energy : the renewable solution to global warming : a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists / 1990
Cooling our communities : a guidebook on tree planting and light-colored surfacing / 1992
Cooling your home naturally. 1994
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