Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 406
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Energy conservation United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
To reduce this ... and save this ... partner with SmartWay / 2015
Today's special : energy savings--. 1999
Top 10 ways utilities can save water, energy and money while preparing for climate change. 2009
Transcript from the National Hearings on the Federal nonnuclear energy R & D program : conducted on September 24 and 25, 1980, Office of Personnel Management Auditorium, Washington, D.C. / 1980
Transportation and global climate change 1993
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1980
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1977
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1979
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1976
Transportation energy data book / 1982
Transportation energy data book / 2014
Transportation planning in the Northwest : framework for sustainability / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10. 2000
Transportation, energy, and environment : how far can technology take us? / 1997
Transportation, energy, and environment : policies to promote sustainability. 1999
Trends report of energy assistance programs in the fifty states, 1 979-1984 1985
Truck stop electrification codes and electrical standards ; notice of data availability [FRL-7783-3] : summary of contents / 2005
Turning off the heat : why America must double energy efficiency to save money and reduce global warming / 1998
U.S. energy outlook : a demand perspective for the eighties : report / 1981
U.S. energy prospects : an engineering viewpoint; a report. 1974
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Green Lights Hotline, fax-a-question. 1992
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan FY 2010-FY 2020. 2010
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Smartway Transport Partnership Program / 2014
U.S. EPA designated SmartWay mark : license agreement, technical specifications & requirements, and graphics standards & usage guide for tractor & trailer manufacturers. 2011
U.S. EPA Green Lights : decision support system / 1991
U.S. EPA Green Lights case studies. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights corporate communications. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights decision support system and training program. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights financing directory. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights hotline. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights lighting management company ally program. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights lighting services group. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights manufacturer ally program. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights manufacturing assessment : supply and demand. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights memorandum of understanding for partners : basic principles of agreements. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights national lighting product information program (NLPIP). 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights Program : prospective partner information form. 1992
U.S. EPA Green Lights utility ally program. 1992
Understanding SmartWay data : a primer for shippers / 2012
United States building energy efficiency retrofits : market sizing and financing models. 2012
United States Environmental Protection Agency Green Lights : a bright investment in the environment. 1992
Using land to save energy 1977
Using the Energy Star identity to maintain and build value. 2003
Vision 2020 : a new era of freight sustainability. 2015
WasteWi$e partnership benefits global climate change. 1996
WasteWi$e update : Charter members honored in ceremony. 1994
Wastewise 2003 : celebrating our partners. 2003
WasteWise partnership benefits climate change. 1998
Water and energy : leveraging voluntary programs to save both water and energy / 2008
WAVE : saving vital resources: water, energy and your money. 2000
WAVE membership agreements / 1998
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