Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Endangered species United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
1997 species report card : the state of U.S. plants and animals / 1997
A Legislative history of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended in 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, and 1980 : together with a section-by-section index / 1982
A system dynamics investigation of genetic drift and translocation in the red-cockaded woodpecker metapopulation / 2003
American Bird Conservancy guide to the 500 most important bird areas in the United States : key sites for birds and birding in all 50 states / 2003
Audubon Wildlife Report, 1989/1990 / 1989
Audubon wildlife report. 1985
Condor's shadow : the loss and recovery of wildlife in America / 1999
Conservation directory : 1999 : a guide to worldwide environmental organizations / 1999
Endangered and threatened species on U.S. Air Force installations 1984
Endangered species : many factors affect the length of time to recover select species : report to congressional requesters / 2006
Endangered species act / 2006
Endangered species act the listing and exemption processes / 1990
Endangered Species Act: successes and challenges in agency collaboration and the use of scientific information in the decision making process / 2005
Endangered species bulletin. [electronic resource] 1995
Endangered species program : information on how funds are allocated and what activities are emphasized. 2002
Endangered species recovery : finding the lessons, improving the process / 1994
Endangered species update. 1987
Implementation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 : to the House Committee on Resources / 2005
Making a list : prevention strategies for invasive plants in the Great Lakes states / 2004
Memorandum of agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service regarding enhanced coordination under the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act (66 FR 11202 ; February 22, 2001). 2002
Noah's choice : the future of endangered species / 1995
Office of Pesticide Programs' endangered species-by-county list / 1994
Overview and status of the NCASI Eastern Wildlife Program. 1995
Protected fishes of the United States and Canada / 1987
Recovery Program, endangered and threatened species / 1994
Region VII threatened and endangered animal species by state and county of occurrence. 1993
Restoring America's wildlife, 1937-1987 : the first 50 years of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson) Act / 1987
Right to exist : a report on our endangered wildlife. 1970
Save our species : endangered species : coloring book. 1991
Save our species : endangered species coloring book. 2008
Save our species : endangered species picture book. 2001
Save our species : especies amenazadas libro de actividades. 1995
Save our species : protecting endangered species from pesticides. 1994
Saving a place : endangered species in the 21st century / 2000
Science and the Endangered Species Act 1995
Selected vertebrate endangered species of the seacoast of the United States / 1980
Survival or surrender for endangered wildlife. 1965
Takings after Lucas : the constitutional implications of environmental regulation / 1992
Tennessee purple coneflower. 1989
The endangered species act : a primer / 2005
The Endangered Species Act : an overview of statutory provisions and judicial interpretation / 1993
The heartbreak turtle today / 2010
The wildlife detectives : how forensic scientists fight crimes against nature / 2000
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinion on selected pesticides : dated June 14, 1989. 1989
United States list of endangered fauna. 1974

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