Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4747
Showing: Items 101 - 150
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Emissions)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Study of highway vehicle emission inventory procedures for selected urban areas / 1993
A Study of highway vehicle emission inventory procedures for selected urban areas. 1993
A study of methods for reducing evaporative background hydrocarbon emissions from new vehicles / 1976
A study of one gasoline-fueled engine line comparing emission results between 1969 engines and 1979 engines on three test procedures : the heavy-duty transient engine test, the heavy-duty 9-mode engine test, and the light-duty truck chassis test / 1979
A study of stratified charge for light duty power plants ... / 1975
A study of the diesel as a light-duty power plant / 1974
A study of the effectiveness of mechanic training for vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance programs / 1981
A study of the effects of fuel switching on catalyst equipped vehicles / 1980
A study of the relationship between exhaust emissions and fuel economy / 1983
A summary of the emissions characterization and noncancer respiratory effects of wood smoke / 1993
A surveillance study of smoke from heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicles--southwestern USA / 1974
A test method for the measurement of methanol emissions from stationary sources / 1994
A track to twin roll dynamometer comparison of several different methods of vehicle velocity simulation / 1979
A user's guide for the CALPUFF dispersion model / 1995
A wedge analysis of the U.S. transportation sector / 2007
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Enforcement of State Implementation Plan Compliance Schedules. 1972
Accounting for climate change : uncertainty in greenhouse gas inventories : verification, compliance, and trading / 2007
Accuracy audit of vehicle inspection and maintenance programs : final report / 1979
Acid Deposition in Maryland. Summary of 1993 Research and Monitoring Results and Evaluation of Status and Trends. 1995
Acid Deposition in Utah, An Analysis by the Acid Deposition Technical Advisory Committee 1986
Acid Deposition: Long-Term Trends. 1986
Acid Rain Clouds Over the Midwest: Impacts on Waters. 1989
Acid Rain Hourly Emiossions Data 2011 (Raw Data File on DVD). 2011
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2003 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2004
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2004 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2004
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2005 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2005
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2006 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2006
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2007 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2008
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2007 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2007
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2009 (Raw Data File on DVD). 2009
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2010 (Raw Data File on DVD). 2010
Acid rain program : CEMS submission instructions for monitoring plans, certification test notifications, and quarterly reports. 1996
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1994 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1995
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1995 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1997
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1997 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1999
Acid Rain Program, 2001 Progress Report. 2002
Acid Rain Program, 2002 Progress Report. 2003
Acid Rain Program: Annual Progress Report, 2000. 2001
Acidic Deposition Briefing 1983
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 1. Atmospheric Sciences (Review Draft). 1983
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. Effects Sciences (Review Draft). 1983
Acoustic Attenuation by Vaporization of Liquid Droplets -- Application to Noise Reduction in Aircraft Powerplants. 1975
ACT (Available Control Technology) for Stationary N0x Sources. 1979
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Adaptation of Gaussian Plume Model to Incorporate Multiple Station Data Input. Volume II. Appendices. 1975
Addendum to assessment of styrene emission controls for FRP/C and boat building industries / 1996
Addendum to the Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions. 1993
Addendum to: 'Environmental Assessment: Source Test and Evaluation Report--Chapman Low-Btu Gasification'. 1980
Additional techniques for estimating MOBILE2 variables. 1980
Administrative and technical aspects of source sampling for particulates / 1974
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