Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Emission spectroscopy)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A field test of lead-based paint testing technologies : data documentation / 1997
An interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 / 1988
An Interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 / 1987
An Interlaboratory study of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method 6010 and digestion method 3050 : project summary / 1988
Analyses of airborne particulates and human urine by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry 1978
Analysis of a Wastewater for Seven Priority Pollutant Elements by D.C. Argon Plasma Emission Spectroscopy. 1982
Analytical methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey / 1990
Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey. 1988
Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey. Revision A. 1989
Automated Water Monitoring Instrument for Phosphorus Contents. 1973
Automatic emission spectroscopy / 1981
Chemical analysis of particle size fractions from glass melting furnaces / 1981
CO/CO2 NDIR analyzer replacement / 1990
Comparison of a Cryogenic Preconcentration Technique and Direct Injection for the Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Low PPB (Parts-per-Billion) (NMOL/MOL) Gas Standards of Toxic Organic Compounds. 1988
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Detection of oil in water by a flame emission technique 1981
Determination of minor elements in water by emission spectroscopy / 1971
Development of a Field Test Method for the Determination of Lead in Paint and Paint-Contaminated Dust and Soil. 1993
Element-specific chromatographic detection by atomic emission spectroscopy : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 199th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990 / 1992
Emission spectroscopy 1976
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 27, Method 200.7 Trace Metals by ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma). 1985
Evaluation of flame emission, determination of phosphorus in water / 1973
Evaluation of Spark Source Mass Spectrometry and Plasma Emission Spectroscopy for Comprehensive Elemental Analysis of Environmental Samples. 1986
Evaluation of trace element release from fluidized-bed combustion systems / 1978
Fourier transform spectroscopy as a continuous monitoring method : a survey of applications and prospects / 1989
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : Volume IV - determination of particulate emissions from stationary sources / 1974
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume VI, determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources / 1975
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : Volume VII - determination of sulfuric acid mist and sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources / 1976
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume VIII : - determination of co emissions from stationary sources by NDIR spectrometry / 1975
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : Volume XV - determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources by continuous monitors / 1976
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program. Volume V, Determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources / 1975
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program. Volume XI, Determination of beryllium emissions from stationary sources / 1976
High-resolution XAS/XES : analyzing electronic structures of catalysts / 2015
Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy : prominent lines / 1979
Instrumentation for monitoring specific particulate substances in stationary source emissions / 1973
Introduction to Instrumental Analysis of Water Pollutants. Training Manual. 1976
Introduction to Instrumental Analysis of Water Pollutants. Training Manual. 1979
Investigation of Selected Detectors for Application on Hydrocarbons Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems. 1997
Laboratory and field evaluation of methodology for measuring emissions of chlorinated solvents from stationary sources / 1990
Laser-induced breakdown spectrometer for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Los Alamos National Laboratory / 1998
Lead Analysis of Ambient Air Particulates: Interlaboratory Evaluation of EPA Lead Reference Method. 1979
Lead-based paint abatement and repair and maintenance study in Baltimore : pre-intervention findings. 1996
Measurement of PCB emissions from combustion sources / 1979
Metals by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectroscopy : [test] method 1620. 1989
Methods for emission spectrochemical analysis; general practices, nomenclature, tentative methods, suggested methods. 1971
Methods for the determination of metals in environmental samples / 1991
Methods for the determination of metals in environmental samples. 1991
Methods for the determination of metals in environmental samples. Supplement I / 1994
Multielemental analytical techniques for hazardous waste analysis : the state-of-the-art / 1984
Non-Extractive Electro-Optical Measurement of Jet Engine Emissions. 1978
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