Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Emergencies United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
CERT train-the-trainer course : instructor guide. 2011
Emergency financial first aid kit (EFFAK) : strengthen your financial preparedness for disasters and emergencies / 2019
Emergency management in the States 1984
Emergency waiver of EPA regulations : authorities and legislative proposals in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina / 2005
Environmental emergencies : what to do. 1992
Equipo de emergencia de primeros auxilios financieros (EFFAK, por sus siglas en ingls) : fortalezca su preparacion financiera en caso de desastres y emergencias. 2015
Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias : capacitacion basica guia del instructor / 2011
Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias. Community Emergency Response Team / Capacitacion basica manual del participante = 2012
Incident management handbook : Incident Command System (ICS) / 2001
Managing hazardous materials incidents. 1992
National incident management system : principles and practice / 2005
Natural hazard mitigation : recasting disaster policy and planning / 1999
Public health emergency response : a guide for leaders and responders / 2007
Reimbursement to local governments for emergency response to hazardous substance releases. 1989
Reimbursement to local governments for emergency response to hazardous substance releases. 1989
Teen CERT basic training : participant workbook / 2012
Terrorism and other public health emergencies : a field guide for media. 2005
The law of emergencies : public health and disaster management / 2009

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