Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electroplating Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Capsule report : nickel plating : industry practices control technologies and environmental management. 2003
Control and treatment technology for the metal finishing industry : sulfide precipitation / 1980
Electroplating plant operating conditions related to wastewater sludge leachability / 1984
Electroplating plant operating conditions related to wastewater sludge leachability / 1983
Environmental pollution control alternatives : centralized waste treatment alternatives for the electroplating industry. 1981
Fabrication and pilot scale testing of a prototype Donnan dialyzer for the removal of toxic metals from electroplating rinse waters / 1985
Guidance manual for electroplating and metal finishing pretreatment standards / 1984
Hoja informativa de tecnicas para lograr una prevencion efectiva de la contaminacion, y sobre el reciclado y la reutilizacion de materiales - descargas de aguas residuales : industria de acabados metalicos y electroplastia. 1990
Pollution prevention assessment for a manufacturer of combustion engine piston rings / 1995
Pollution prevention progress for 23 Washington electroplating facilities an industry sector report / 1996
Substituting cadmium cyanide electroplating with zinc chloride electroplating : project summary / 1994
Training course for Mexican multi-media inspectors : reference manual for industrial processes / 0
Training course for Mexican multi-media inspectors : student manual / 0
Waste minimization in the electroplating industry : a technology transfer primer / 1991
Waste minimization in the electroplating industry : a technology transfer primer / 1991

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