Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electronic digital computers)

Select Item Title Year Published
A FORTRAN program for determining an empirical expression for a quantity measured at combinations of several levels of each of two variables / 1965
A structured approach to systems testing / 1988
Algorithms + data structures=programs / 1976
Approximations for digital computers / 1955
Assessing reliability of computer output : audit guide. 1981
Benchmarking : computer evaluation and measurement / 1975
Computer measurement and evaluation--artistry or science? 1972
Computer organization and programming 1969
Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) : proceedings of the thirteenth meeting, held at New Orleans, Louisiana, October 11-14, 1977 / 1977
Computer-related risks 1995
Computers and intractability a guide to the theory of NP-completeness / 1991
Computers and their role in the physical sciences. 1970
Computers; a programming problem approach 1968
Computerworld. 1967
Data structures : theory and practice 1975
Data structures : theory and practice / 1971
Design of on-line computer systems. 1972
Digital computer system principles. 1967
Digital computer user's handbook, 1967
Digital design 1971
Digital electronics and laboratory computer experiments / 1975
Finite-difference methods for partial differential equations / 1960
FORTRAN IV : programming and computing / 1965
Genetic programming : on the programming of computers by means of natural selection / 1992
Genetic programming II automatic discovery of reusable programs / 1994
Introduction to numerical methods and FORTRAN programming / 1967
JSP, a practical method of program design 1979
Minicomputers in data processing and simulation / 1972
Numerical methods for scientists and engineers / 1962
PL/I for scientific programmers / 1970
Principles of program design / 1975
Problem solving and structured programming in FORTRAN / 1981
Problem solving by digital computers with PL/I programming. 1970
Proceedings advanced digital computers, controls, and automation technologies for power plants, February 5-7, 1992, San Diego, California / 1992
Programming pearls 1986
Queueing network models for computer systems / 1975
Reliable computer systems design and evaluation / 1992
Software engineering 1979
Software engineering : a practitioner's approach / 1982
Software tools 1976
Standard dictionary of computers and information processing / 1977
Structured design : fundamentals of a discipline of computer program and systems design / 1979
Techniques in computer programming 1970
The art of computer programming 1968
The design and analysis of computer algorithms / 1974
The elements of programming style / 1974
The mythical man-month : essays on software engineering / 1975

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