Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electron microscopes)

Select Item Title Year Published
Asbestos fiber atlas / 1975
Characteristics of Individual Particles at a Rural Site in the Eastern United States. 1986
Characterization of Individual Fly Ash Particles Emitted from Coal- and Oil-Fired Power Plants. 1986
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1990
Comparison of airborne asbestos levels determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using direct and indirect transfer techniques : final report / 1992
Distribution of orally administered chrysotile asbestos in newborn baboon body / 1980
Electron microprobe X-ray analysis of atmospheric aerosol particles, period covered December 1, 1968 to August 31, 1969. 1969
Electron-optical methods in clay science / 1990
Environmental asbestos assessment manual : Superfund method for the determination of asbestos in ambient air Method. 1990
Evaluation of electron microscopy for process control in the asbestos industry / 1977
Guidelines for conducting the AHERA TEM clearance test to determine completion of an asbestos abatement project : final report / 1989
Interim method for determining asbestos in water / 1980
Methodology for the measurement of airborne asbestos by electron microscopy / 1984
Molecular Characterization of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' Bacteriophages: Identification and Characterization of the Novel Virus B86. 1988
Potential Usefulness of Antitranspirants for Solution of Some Water Supply, Plant Growth, and Environmental Problems. 1973
Precipitation scavenging of fossil-fuel effluents / 1976
Preparation of water samples for asbestos fiber counting by electron microscopy / 1978
Scanning electron microscopy of polymers and coatings, II; symposium held at the 165th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, Texas, April 8-13, 1973. 1974
Some Aspects of Morphological Variation in 'Stephanodiacus niagarae' (Bacillariophyceae). 1980
Standard practice for calibrating the magnification of a scanning electron microscope. 1998
Systematic Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique for Evaluating Combined Biological/Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Processes. 1993

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