Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electromagnetic waves)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acoustic and electromagnetic scattering analysis using discrete sources / 2000
Biologic effects of nonionizing radiation 1975
Civil Defense Research Project Annual Progress Report, March 1969-March 1970. 1971
Electromagnetic scattering on spherical polydispersions 1969
Electromagnetic scattering on spherical polydispersions 1969
EMF Effects from Power Sources and Electrosmog / 2019
Fields and waves in communication electronics 1984
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1987
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1989
Near Field Instrumentation. 1970
Optical radiation: Health based exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range from 100 nanometre to 1 millimetre 1993
Proceedings of a session on environmental exposure to nonionizing radiation, annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey, November 14, 1972. 1973
RadTown USA : Wireless Technology. 2006
Study of Hybrid Electromagnetic Waves in Cylindrical Structures- Application of Results to Deflector Modes. 1971
The scattering of light, and other electromagnetic radiation 1969
The X-ray standing wave technique : principles and applications / 2013
Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum / 2016
Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum / 2015
Tour of the electromagnetic spectrum / 2010
Twinbrook Research Laboratory Annual Report, 1971. 1972

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