Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electromagnetic fields Health aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Research strategy for electric and magnetic fields : research needs and priorities / 1991
Air Pollution and the Electromagnetic Phenomena as Incitants / 2018
An SAB report : potential carcinogenicity of electric and magnetic fields / 1992
Assessment of health effects from exposure to power-line frequency electric and magnetic fields : NIEHS Working Group report / 1998
Biological effects and medical applications of electromagnetic energy 1990
Biological effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields : in vivo studies / 1991
Breakout group reports for clinical and in vivo laboratory findings. 1998
Breakout group reports for epidemiological research findings. 1998
Breakout group reports for theoretical mechanisms and in vitro research findings. 1997
Electric and magnetic fields : an EPA perspective on research needs and priorities for improving health risk assessment / 1992
Electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine review and research papers presented at the First World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 1992 / 1993
Electro pollution : how to protect yourself against it / 1990
Electromagnetic fields : a consumer's guide to the issues and how to protect ourselves / 1995
Electromagnetic fields and radiation : human bioeffects and safety / 2002
EMF : electric and magnetic fields associated with the use of electric power: questions, answers / 1994
EMF Effects from Power Sources and Electrosmog / 2019
EMF exposure environments summary report. 1993
EMF source book. 1993
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of electromagnetic fields. 1990
Exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia 1991
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields : the question of cancer / 1990
Hazards of extra-low frequency electrical and magnetic fields a selected bibliography / 1990
Health effects of electromagnetic radiation on workers : epidemiologic studies / 1991
Health effects of low frequency electric and magnetic fields : executive summary / 1992
Health effects of low-frequency electric and magnetic fields / 1992
In vitro studies : low frequency electromagnetic fields / 1991
Memorandum Subject : Workshop Review Draft of the Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields (EPA/600/6-90/005A) / 1990
NIEHS report on health effects from exposure to power-line frequency electric and magnetic fields : prepared in response to the 1992 Energy Policy Act (PL 102-486, Section 2118). 1999
Occupational exposure assessment for electric and magnetic fields in the 10-1000 hz frequency range/ 1991
Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields 1997
Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields / 1997
Public comments received by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/National Institutes of Health : responses to a request for comment on the EMF working group report. 1998
Public meetings for comment on the Working Group report. 1998
Questions and answers about EMF : electric and magnetic fields associated with the use of electric power / 1995
RadTown USA : Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) Radiation from Power Lines. 2006
Research an communication project summaries : September 1994 - December 1998. 1999
Risk and responsibility 1994
Scientific workshop on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation on workers : bibliography. 1991

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