Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electric power consumption)

Select Item Title Year Published
20% wind energy by 2030 : increasing wind energy's contribution to U.S. electricity supply / 2008
A technical, environmental and economic evaluation of the "wet processing system for the recovery and disposal of municipal solid waste" : a study / 1975
Advanced utility simulation model : project summary / 1989
Annual review of energy. 1976
Base line forecasts of resource recovery, 1972 to 1990 : final report / 1975
Beyond California's power crisis : impact, solutions, and lessons : special report. 2001
Comprehensive Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures, Appendices. 1975
Dynactor scrubber evaluation / 1974
Electricity requirements for a digital society 2002
Electrochemical Carbon Regeneration. 1972
Energy balances ... and electricity profiles ... for selected developing countries and areas. 1980
Energy consumption : paper, stone, clay, glass, concrete, and food industries / 1975
Energy consumption : the chemical industry / 1975
Energy consumption : the primary metals and petroleum industries / 1975
Energy primer : a handbook of energy market basics. 2012
Environmental considerations of selected energy conserving manufacturing process options. 1976
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy Conserving Manufacturing Process Options: Volume XI. Glass Industry Report. 1976
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy Conserving Manufacturing Process Options: Volume XII. Chlor-Alkali Industry Report. 1976
Environmental impacts of virgin and recycled steel and aluminum. 1976
Evaluation of Shredding Facilities Rock Cut Road Plant No. 1. Onondaga County Solid Waste Disposal Authority, Onondaga County, New York. 1975
Evaluation of the Ames solid waste recovery system / 1977
Fine shredding of municipal solid waste / 1976
Fluidized vortex incineration of waste / 1976
Forecasts of future emissions as applied to the electric utility industry / 1990
Grinder Evaluation and Development. 1970
Growth effects of major land use projects / 1976
Impact of Increased Electrification on Air Quality for Three Selected Regions. 1976
Incremental Cost Impacts of the 1972 Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act as Amended. 1976
New electricity 21 power industry technology and management strategies for the twenty-first century : conference proceedings, Tokyo, Japan, 12th-14th May 1992. 1993
Resource and environmental profile analysis of nine beverage container alternatives : final report / 1974
Resource use and residuals generation in households / 1979
Significance of size reduction in solid waste management / 1977
Significance of size reduction in solid waste management / 1980
Study of industrial uses of energy relative to environmental effects / 1974
The ability of electric utilities with FGD to meet energy demands / 1978
The future of the nation's energy utilities : implications for federal R.D. & D. : hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, June 23, 24, 1981. 1981
Total energy consumption for municipal wastewater treatment / 1978

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