Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 58
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
"Canopy Meg" returns! / 2011
10 great games and how to use them : presentation skills & games 2006
An inconvenient truth : a global warning / 2006
Announcing the New DfE Website at: 1997
Approaching environmental issues in the classroom. 1994
Building community : reforming math and science education in rural schools : a report on the National Science Foundation's Rural Systemic Initiative / 2006
Canopy ecology / 2011
Community culture and the environment : a guide to understanding a sense of place. 2002
Defining environmental education. 1994
Diversity bingo : an experiential learning event / 1992
Education and library services for community information utilities / 1972
Education information : changes in funds and priorities have affected production and quality : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Select Education, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives 1987
Education's library actions needed to improve its usefulness / 1991
Effect on in-home educational intervention on children's blood lead levels in Milwaukee : technical report. 1996
Effective nonpoint source public education and outreach : a review of selected programs in region 10 / 1989
Environmental education materials for teachers and young people (grades K-12) / 1988
Estimating causal effects : using experimental and observational designs : a think tank white paper / 2007
Evaluator's handbook 1978
Fact Sheet Safe Drinking Water Tools For Public Water Systems 2005
Fact sheet: EPA's Outreach Efforts 1995
Fact Sheet: Partnerships with Landowners 1995
Federal Register: October 22, 1993. Presidential Documents, Executive Order 12873 of October 20, 1993. Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention 1993
Fifth discipline : the art and practice of the learning organization / 1994
Getting adults motivated, enthusiastic & satisfied 1990
Handbook of research on emerging priorities and trends in distance education : communication, pedagogy, and technology / 2014
High school dropout, graduation, and completion rates : better data, better measures, better decisions / 2011
How to conduct surveys : a step by step guide / 1998
Integrating environmental education into the school curriculum. 1994
Introduction to rubrics : an assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning / 2005
Lead in Drinking Water : an Annoted List of Publications / 1993
Measuring efficiency of macro systems : an application to millennium development goal attainment / 2005
More games trainers play : experiential learning exercises / 1983
Neurobehavioral Evaluation System (NES) and School Performance. 1991
Pesticide safety games : for grades k-6 / 1999
Pesticide safety games for grades k-6 / {game} : 1999
Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Accounting 1995
Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 1995
Quantifying a Relationship Between Place-based Learning and Environmental Quality. Final Report. 2008
Region V cooperative education program. 1977
Report to Congress : management of hazardous wastes from educational institutions / 1989
Researcher guidebook : a guide for successful institutional-industrial collaborations / 2012
Respiratory Symptoms and Risk Factors in an Arizona Population Sample of Anglo and Mexican-American Whites. 1991
Still more games trainers play : experiential learning exercises / 1991
Successful K-12 STEM education : identifying effective approaches in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics / 2011
Superfund: Environmental Response and Health and Safety (Training Materials). 1993
Superfund: Environmental Response and Health and Safety (Training Materials). 1993
Teaching a project-intensive introduction to software engineering 1987
Team games for trainers 1993
The accelerated learning handbook : a creative guide to designing and delivering faster, more effective training programs / 2000
The exiles / 2009
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