Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1985
Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecosystems)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Coral Cove Park Shoreline Enhancement Action Plan Demonstration Project, Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program. 1993
Coral Reef and Coastal Ecosystems Decision Support Workshop, April 27-29, 2010, Caribbean Coral Reef Institute, La Parguera, Puerto Rico / 2015
Coral Reefs of the United Kingdom Overseas Territories [electronic resource] / 2013
Correspondence between Ecoregions and Spatial Patterns in Stream Ecosystems in Oregon. 1988
Correspondence between Spatial Patterns in Fish Assemblages in Ohio Streams and Aquatic Ecoregions. 1986
Coupling Water Quality and Upper Trophic Level Models for Chesapeake Bay: A Planning Workshop. Held in Annapolis, Maryland on January 8-9, 2004. 2005
Crab Species Team Background and Issue Briefs. Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management for Chesapeake Bay. 2009
Crayfishes (Astacidae) of North and Middle America / 1972
Cretaceous Ponds, a Unique Area on Staten Island, New York. 1976
Critical Assessment of Effects of Acidification on Fisheries in North America. 1984
Cultural Severance and the Environment The Ending of Traditional and Customary Practice on Commons and Landscapes Managed in Common / [electronic resource] : 2013
Cumulative Impacts of Oil Fields on Northern Alaskan Landscapes (Journal Version). 1987
Cumulative Impacts on Wetlands: Linking Scientific Assessments and Regulatory Alternatives. 1988
Current Activities Within the National Biomonitoring Specimen Bank. 1993
Current and Potential Threats to Biodiversity in Forests of the Lower Pacific Coast States. 1989
Current Awareness Service for Toxic Substances (CATS). Cumulative Report No. 1, Part 1. 1975
Current Awareness Service for Toxic Substances (CATS). Cumulative Report Number 2. Part II. 1976
Current awareness service for toxic substances : cumulative report no. 2, part I 1976
Current Land Cover in the Tropics and Its Potential for Sequestering Carbon. 1993
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 3. Project Summary. 1996
Danage Cases and Environmental Releases from Mines and Mineral Processing Sites. 1998
Data Report on Ecosystem Monitoring for the Ashtabula River Environmental Dredging Project. 2011
Decision Support for Natural Disasters and Intentional Threats to Water Security [electronic resource] / 2009
Decline of Montane Boreal Ecosystems in Central Europe and the Southern Appalachian Mountains. 1984
Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Five Years Later, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Recovery Leaders United in Long-Term Commitment to Restore the Gulf. 2015
Defining Biological Status by Comparing with Reference Conditions (Chapter 4). 1994
Delaware River Basin Commission: Quality Assurance Project Plan 2001 Update. 2001
Delineating Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. A Handbook. 1995
Delivering timely water quality information to your community : the Jefferson Parish-Louisiana Project. 2001
Demographic Processes: Population Dynamics on Heterogeneous Landscapes (Chapter 7). 1993
Deposition of air pollutants to the Great Waters : first report to Congress. 1994
Deposition Velocities of SO2 and O3 Over Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems. 2001
Descriptions of Government (and Private) Management and Stewardship Programs in Tampa Bay. 1996
Design and evaluation of a terrestrial model ecosystem for evaluation of substitute pesticide chemicals / 1979
Design and evaluation of laboratory ecological system studies / 1977
Design Criteria for a Predictive Ecological Effects Modeling System. 1985
Design of field experiments to determine the ecological effects of petroleum in intertidal ecosystems / 1978
Design of terrecosm enclosures for use in ecorisk assessment evaluations / 1991
Design of the Clean Air Act Deposition Monitoring Network. (Chapter 7). 1995
Design report for EMAP : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1990
Design Tradeoffs for Trend Assessment in Aquatic Biological Monitoring Programs. 2013
Despite Progress, EPA Needs to Improve Oversight of Wastewater Upgrades in the Cheasapeake Bay Watershed. Evaluation Report. 2008
Determination and Occurrence of AHH-Active Polychlorinated Biphenyls, 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro-p-Dioxin and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran in Lake Michigan Sediment and Biota. The Question of Their Relative Toxicological Significance. 1990
Determination of rates and extent of dechlorination in PCB-contaminated sediments during monitored natural recovery / 2008
Determination of the Insect Growth Regulator Methoprene in Natural Waters by Capillary Gas-Liquid Chromatography. 1989
Detroit River, Michigan: An Ecological Profile. 1988
Developing and implementing a bird migration monitoring, assessment, and public outreach program for your community : the BirdCast project / 2001
Developing the Scientific Basis for Assessing Cumulative Effects of Wetland Loss and Degradation on Landscape Functions: Status, Perspectives, and Prospects. 1988
Developing the Tools to Meet the Nation's Monitoring Needs: The Evolution of EMAP. Third Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Research Symposium, April 8-11, 1997. 1997
Development and application of assessment protocols for determining the ecological condition of wetlands in the Juniata river watershed : environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1999
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