Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecosystemes)

Select Item Title Year Published
AAAS atlas of population & environment / 2000
Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water resources using fish communities / 1999
Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions / 1995
Biodiversity II : understanding and protecting our biological resources / 1997
Climate change 2007 : the physical science basis : contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 2007
Communities and ecosystems / 1975
Dividing the waters : food security, ecosystem health, and the new politics of scarcity / 1996
Ecological microcosms / 1993
Ecosystems of disturbed ground / 1999
Environmental chemistry / 1991
Forest canopies / 1995
Global marine biological diversity : a strategy for building conservation into decision making / 1993
High priorities : conserving mountain ecosystems and cultures / 1995
Imperiled waters, impoverished future : the decline of freshwater ecosystems / 1996
Integrated watershed management in the global ecosystem / 2000
Landscape ecology / 1986
Large marine ecosystems of the Pacific Rim : assessment, sustainability, and management / 1999
Measures of environmental performance and ecosystem condition / 1999
Methods in ecosystem science / 2000
Multivariate analysis in community ecology / 1982
Principles of ecotoxicology / 1978
Remote sensing and GIS in ecosystem management / 1994
Rising to the challenge : celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. 1997
Stability and complexity in model ecosystems 1973
Successes, limitations, and frontiers in ecosystem science / 1998
The Gulf of Guinea large marine ecosystem : environmental forcing & sustainable development of marine resources / 2002
The Mosaic-cycle concept of ecosystems / 1991

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