Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecosystem management Research)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Century of ecosystem science : planning long-term research in the Gulf of Alaska / 2002
Agroecosystem health : with special reference to the Consultative Group for International Research (CGIAR) / 1994
Ecosystem ecology : a new synthesis / 2010
Ecosystem management research in the Pacific Northwest : five-year research strategy / 1995
Ecosystem services : charting a path to sustainability : interdisciplinary research team summaries : conference, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, California, November 10-13, 2011. 2012
Enclosed experimental ecosystems and scale : tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems / 2009
ERL-D ecosystems research program. 1987
Freshwater imperative : a research agenda / 1995
Gulf of Maine Regional Marine Research Program : report on research program. 1995
Identification and evaluation of biological indicators of terrestrial ecosystem stress. 1990
Identification and evaluation of endpoints and indicators of ecosystem health. 1990
Northwest Forest Plan research database : users guide / 1997
Priorities for coastal ecosystem science / 1994
Scientific basis for ecosystem management an assessment by The Ecological Society of America / 1995
The Gulf of Maine Regional Marine Research Program : report on research program. 1997
The Gulf of Maine Regional Marine Research Program proposal / 1995
The IGBP terrestrial transects : science plan / 1995
Transitioning to sustainability through research and development on ecosystem services and biofuels : workshop summary / 2008

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