Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ecosystem management Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bringing ecologists and economists together : the Askeo meetings and papers / 2011
Ecological bases for lake and reservoir management : proceedings of the Ecological Bases for Management of Lakes and Reservoirs Symposium, held 19-22 March 1996, Leicester, United Kingdom / 1999
Ecological integrity and the management of ecosystems / 1993
Ecosystem management : applications for sustainable forest and wildlife resources / 1997
Ecosystem management for parks and wilderness 1988
Experimental manipulations of biota and biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems approach, methodologies, findings / 1992
Food chains, yields, models, and management of large marine ecosystems / 1991
Integrated watershed management in the global ecosystem / 2000
Large marine ecosystems : stress, mitigation, and sustainability / 1993
Managing for healthy ecosystems / 2003
Riparian ecosystems and their management : reconciling conflicting uses / 1985
Strategic management of marine ecosystems / 2005
Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in soils and sediments / 2004
Twenty-first century ecosystems : managing the living world two centuries after Darwin : report of a symposium / 2011

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