Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economische ontwikkeling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Africa environment outlook : past, present, and future perspectives. 2002
Directory of non-governmental environment and development organisations in OECD member countries / 1992
Ecological principles for economic development / 1973
Environment and development : an economic approach / 1992
Equality and efficiency, the big tradeoff / 1975
Financing change : the financial community, eco-efficiency, and sustainable development / 1996
Global crises, global solutions / 2004
Integrated environmental and economic accounting : interim version / 1993
Our common future / 1987
Paradise for sale : a parable of nature / 2000
Powering China's development : the role of renewable energy / 2007
Sustainable development of the biosphere / 1986
Sustainable development strategies : a resource book / 2002
The changing corporate landscape : opportunities and risks of future world energy supply 2000 / 2000
The economics of sustainable development / 1995
World development report 1992 : Development and the environment. 1992

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