Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Economische aspecten)

Select Item Title Year Published
Antitrust law and economics in a nutshell / 2004
Biological invasions : economic and environmental costs of alien plant, animal, and microbe species / 2002
Climate change 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change / 1996
Climate cover-up : the crusade to deny global warming / 2009
Conserving nature's diversity : insights from biology, ethics and economics / 2000
Costs of coal pollution abatement : results of an international symposium / 1983
Earth, water, wind, and sun, our energy alternatives / 1977
Electronic scientific, technical, and medical journal publishing and its implications : report of a symposium / 2004
Environmental policy : how to apply economic instruments / 1991
Introduction to forest ecosystem science and management / 2003
Managing the business case for sustainability : the integration of social, environmental and economic performance / 2006
Managing the global commons : the economics of climate change / 1994
Oil dependence: is transport running out of affordable fuel? / 2008
The economic structure of tort law / 1987
The economic value of water / 1986
The economics of airborne emissions: the case for an air rights market 1973
The economics of environmental policy 1973
The economics of nature : managing biological assets / 2000
The humane city : cities as if people matter / 1989
The law and economics of the environment / 2001
The next hundred million : America in 2050 / 2010
The political economy of environmental protection : analysis and evidence / 1996
The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first century / 2005

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